Trailer Details

Price:  $50,000
Year:  2021
Make/model:  ADAM  Horse Trlr
Horses:  4
Pull Type:  G
Liv Qtrs:  No
Trailer Length:  26'
Location:  Los Lunas,  NM
Stock #: 

Contact Info

Contact:  Dee

2021  ADAM

Description:  Adam Horse Trailer, 2021 4-H nose to nose, 2+1, 2 box stalls, or remove all dividers for open box. Trailer has never hauled an equine; 8’ tall 7’ wide, 26’ floor. Side ramp 60” wide, with curtain windows which swing to attach to trailer side. Rear ramp, curtain windows also attach to trailer side. Trailer roof fully insulated. Horse compartment has 4 fans, 4 roof vents, interior lights, rubber mat flooring. There is a full size escape door with drop window, situated between front and rear horses which allows access to each horse’s head. Box stall divider gates allow for configuration into two 10’ box stalls. Each stall has chest bar and butt bar. A bar inside side ramp to prevent horse from leaving as side ramp is lowered locks out of the way for loading and unloading. Lots of tie loops for equines, and hay nets. Big Foot hydraulic jack, enclosed battery box, and water tank under goose neck. 5’ rubber matted tack room with four saddle racks, multiple bridle hooks. Aftermarket additions include an additional side ramp assist spring (for 2 total); remote winch inside tack room to pull horse carriage up rear ramp into trailer. Nitrogen filled tires. 2025 similar models are selling for >$60,000. Several videos uploading to my youtube channel @bumdoodlescooter. Please email with any questions.