Trailer Details

Price:  $48,795
Year:  2025
Make/model:  Platinum  Coach 3h bp loaded options
Horses:  3
Pull Type:  G
Liv Qtrs:  No
Trailer Length:  15'
Location:  Columbus,  TX
Stock #: 

Contact Info

Contact:  Kelly or Tommy
Phone:  979-732-8686

2025  Platinum

Description:  Trailers Unlimited Trailers Unlimited >Celebrating 21 years in business.


Suggested retail: $56,945
Normal sale price: $ 52,355
OUR price: $48,795
Trailer Specs:
Platinum Coach
3 horse Bumper Pull
8 wide
7 tall
15ft on the box
5200# axles w/ 16" aluminum wheels and 10 ply tires
mag aluminum wheels
wedge nose
front dressing room
rubber on dressing room floor in lieu of carpet(you want this so you can clean out the dressing room carpet gets very nasty)
carpet on the bulkhead wall w/ 10 hooks
spare tire in dressing room
brush tray on dressing room door
escape door on first stall
2 mangers w/ 2 manger doors
2 hooks in each manger
7 dome lights throughout the trailer LED
3 LED long bar flat load lights (so you don't know them off)
drops on rump
stainess on nose of trailer
15 bridle hooks in rear tack
padded header pad into horse compartment
carpeted rear tack
removable stud divider on first stall w/ rubber on both sides
two way roof vent per horse
6ft hayrack w/ ladder on ss@rear
inside and outside tie rings
all lights are LED inside and out and the outside running lights are upgraded to inset round lights LED
drops on rump
drops on head

Drop down window bars on head
2 way roof vents
front dressing room
50/50 rear doors
3 swing out blanket bars rear tack
bus window on rear tack door and horse loading door
flow thru dividers
hooks in rear tack
This trailer is LOADED Financing available WAC
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