Trailer Details

Price:  $79,999
Year:  2025
Make/model:  Platinum  5h bp loaded side load 25k coupler
Horses:  5
Pull Type:  B
Liv Qtrs:  No
Trailer Length:  23'
Location:  Columbus,  TX
Stock #: 

Contact Info

Contact:  Kelly or Tommy
Phone:  979-732-8686

2025  Platinum

Description:  Trailers Unlimited >TRAILERS UNLIMITED Celebrating 21 years in business.

Suggested retail: $ 94,844
Normal sale price: $82,540
OUR sale price: $79,999

TRAILERS UNLIMITED 5 HORSE BUMPER PULL SIDE load LOADED Reinforced for pulling behind motor coach
Trailer Specs:
Platinum Coach
5 horse Bumper Pull
8 wide
7.6 tall
23ft on the box
7000# axles w/ 17.5" wheels and 18 ply tires
Alcoa aluminum wheels
wedge nose lengthened and reinforced for towing (must have for motor coach)
25k coupler
front dressing room
rubber on dressing room floor in lieu of carpet
carpet on the bulkhead wall w/ 10 hooks
spare tire in dressing room
clothes rod in dressing room
brush tray on dressing room door
saddle rack in rear tack
escape door on FIRST stall
4 mangers w/ 4 manger doors
hooks in the mangers
13 dome lights throughout the trailer
6 LED load lights
drops on rump
stainess on nose of trailer
38 bridle hooks total
padded header pad into horse compartment
removable stud divider on last stall w/ rubber on both sides
lengthened ramp
25000 # coupler
steel reinforcement and extended tongue on BP for pulling behind motorcoach
two way roof vent per horse
8 ft haypod w/ ladder on cs @rear door
inside and outside tie rings
all lights are LED
huge rear tack w/ lots of storage and extra hooks and blanket bars and saddle racks
drops on rump
drops on head

Drop down window bars on head
2 way roof vents
front dressing room
50/50 rear doors
8 swing out blanket bars rear tack
bus window on rear tack doors
flow thru dividers
splint boot holders
rear fold up step
shelf in rear tack also
Financing available WAC
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