Trailer Details

Price:  $17,295
Year:  2024
Make/model:  Logan  2h Crossfire
Horses:  2
Pull Type:  B
Liv Qtrs:  No
Trailer Length:  10' 3"
Location:  Apache Junction,  AZ
Stock #:  2985

Contact Info

Contact:  Dave Bishop
Phone:  480-987-7689

2024  Logan

Description:  2024 Logan 2 horse Crossfire. This trailer measures 6'8" wide x 7' tall x 16' box and features a 2 5/16" ball, black diamond plate gravel guard, front tack has a swing out saddle rack, it has bridle hooks, and a spare tire. The horse area is equipped with padded stalls, roof vents, double lined with vortex lining on all walls, plexiglass on the butt side, drop down windows with safety bars on the head side, and double back doors.