Trailer Details

Price:  $59,500
Year:  2019
Make/model:  Cimarron  Norstar
Horses:  4
Pull Type:  G
Liv Qtrs:  No
Trailer Length:  30'
Location:  Auburn,  CA
Stock #: 

Contact Info

Contact:  Jeanne

2019  Cimarron

Description:  Excellent condition with many upgrades: Werm Flooring 4 camera system including backup camera 4 fans Extra D Rings Heavy Duty Hay Bags 4-6 horses Super convertible, 4 horses and ATV or SBS or 6 horses, or Buggy, carts, you name it. Super tall 8'4 Hay storage 2 ramps Huge tack room Insulated Roof 1/2" thick R3 thermal value Single Speed Jack with 2-5/16" Adjustable Coupler with Safety Chains + Breakaway Kit Aluminum Wheels with Radial Tires Nose Windows & Sliding Windows with Welded Bars (hip side) Drop Down Feed Doors with Window (Head side) Escape Door Lots of LED lighting