Trailer Details

Price:  $99,834
Year:  2023
Make/model:  Lakota  Colt AC8413 w/ slide
Horses:  4
Pull Type:  G
Liv Qtrs:  Yes
Trailer Length:  40'
Location:  Wills Point,  TX
Stock #:  01704L23

Contact Info

Contact:  Heath McKinley
Phone:  903-865-1516

2023  Lakota

Description:  Triple M Trailers / Sundowner Trailers of Texas ***UNIT PRICED WITH A $9,000.00 ROOF ONLY, HAIL INCENTIVE*** Mangers * Slide * 17.5 Tires * 8k Torsion Axles * (2) Large Drop Down Windows on the Curb Side * Drops on the Street Side * Hay Rack w/ Ladder * Call or Text 903.229.8847 for more info - Financing Available * Delivery Optional