Anyone warranty their A/C on their LQ? How did it work?
Reg. Feb 2004
Posted 2008-07-17 11:34 AM (#87610)
Subject: Anyone warranty their A/C on their LQ? How did it work?


Posts: 6

Location: San Antonio, Texas

I bought a Bunkhouse Conversion trailer and the A/C was defective from the get-go.  I took it in for repairs and the shop called Bunkhouse and was told they would not warranty the A/C, it had to be the unit manufacturer.

Is that how it's supposed to work?  I thought the conversion shop would be responsible.

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Reg. May 2006
Posted 2008-07-17 11:42 AM (#87612 - in reply to #87610)
Subject: RE: Anyone warranty their A/C on their LQ? How did it work?


Posts: 144
Location: Hickory Hills, IL
Contact the manufacturer of the A/C unit (i.e. Coleman/Carrier). They should warranty the A/C unit- the conversion company just installed it.~K
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Reg. Mar 2005
Posted 2008-07-17 12:22 PM (#87617 - in reply to #87610)
Subject: RE: Anyone warranty their A/C on their LQ? How did it work?


Posts: 195
Location: Atlanta, GA

statzk is correct.. If you call the manufacturer they will direct you to the nearest service center that is convenient to you. If it is within the warranty time period it will be covered at no cost to you.

Good Luck

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