I am trying to put something together to present to the news stations and newspapers in hopes that they will present it. As we all know, people do not always drive nicely around trailers. They cut in front of us leaving us no time to stop. They tailgate us to the point we cannot see them. I am hoping that if I write an educational piece, they will present it and people will listen/read it and be more aware when passing or driving behind a trailer. I am having a difficult time getting information and thought some of you might be able to help. I am happy to share what I write with everyone when I am done so that you may share it with your local news media as well. Here is what I am looking for: statistics of trailer accidents involving other vehicles. The time it takes to stop a truck and trailer loaded with horses vs a car. Anything else that you think would be helpful. I am happy to do the research, I just haven't been lucky enough to come upon anything online yet. Thank you in advance for your assistance. |