Elite Veteran
Posts: 781
Location: La Cygne, KS | Looking at purchasing a Mikmar all around bit for my 5 yr. old MFT. She likes to fiddle with the bit when following a horse on the trial, and subsides when in the lead. I have read that the roller in the Mikmar calms a horse in addition to training vertical flexion easier. She is giving to the bit nicely in an arena setting - both vertical and horizontal flexion, but becomes fidgety with the bit on the trail when following. So was wondering if anyone else has used a Mikmar and what your results where. |
Posts: 270
Location: Roanoke IL | isn't that the one with the rope and the big flat port? I had one of those, it's a little gimicky. I had trouble getting it in my horse's mouth because the mouthpiece was so big and flat. I'm not sure about the lateral control of the one with the shank, its a whole different kind of bit once you add the rope. My horse didn't do any better in that bit than any other, but every horse is different. As far as your horse being fidgety with the bit when not in the lead, that's how mine started out. Try to nip this habit because before long your horse will be climbing up other horse's butts to be in the front and can throw temper tantrums when in back. I wish I had caught my problem earlier. Rollers for bits are nice, I got one because my horse would do just like yours does....AND she would get the whole swivel shank of the bit in her mouth while fidgeting. The roller helped, but sometimes I think she gets to farting around with it too much, and make sure you get a quiet roller, or you'll be hearing that durn thing vvvt vvvt vvvt-ing down the trail. It gets annoying to yourself and other riders. Amanda |
Posts: 10
Location: Porter, Texas | My Belgian will grab the shank and let go....over and over again. I put some of the rubber bit stoppers on the bit and that helps. Or if you are having the same problem, you might try a bit that has a "S" curve in the shank; it is harder for them to get their lips on. Lorena |
Posts: 243
Location: Maine | I have had good results with my Mikmar - I bought mine years ago when there were only two versions. Now they've got a bunch.Some horses do well with it, others don't. My high-headed-never-taught-to-break-at-the-poll-sensitive-mouthed mare did (and still does) extremely well with it. The thick mouth piece is lighter than it looks and gives a lot of tongue relief. She's a very fussy mare. I use this bit alternately along with an s-shanked broken bit. I have used it on my gelding as well to get a better frame, but I detach the reins from the nose cord thing, and just hook the reins directly to the bit for him. He's not as fussy as she, and is not as forward, but still needed to learn to flex at the poll. I have friends who love the bit, and others who don't. I found a second used one on Ebay and saved a bunch of $$ |
Posts: 151
Location: Manitoba, Canada | For any of my horses that fuss with a bit, what's always worked for them has been to have LESS to play with, not more. Two of them are riding in a mullen mouth, which has no moving pieces in the mouth, and the shanks are hinged. They do great. Another horse I used to have was so terrible with any moving mouth pieces that he'd put his tongue over and under it, pull in the shanks and chew on them, and then somehow manage to pull the mouth piece back far enough that he could chew it. I filed the teeth marks out so many times, and the hinged shanks were so damaged they didn't move properly, that finally I bought him one of the cheapest bits out there - low, low port, slightly swept back shanks, no moving parts ANYWHERE on the entire bit. He was completely happy. Go figure. I now have a coming 5 year old that is playing with his 3 piece snaffle when asked to do maneuvers like sidepass or pivot - anything that requires deep thought. We're going to try him in a hinged snaffle, since he's being shown and not yet ready to step up the difficulty level by having no snaffle and being neck reined in the ring. The hinge has a lot less movement than the traditional snaffle mouth piece, so I hope it works. |
Elite Veteran
Posts: 781
Location: La Cygne, KS | After doing more research on Mikmars, I decided to try the combination bit. Finally found one on eBay that was resonable - $75 with Circle Y Headstall and Reins - Great deal!! Got the curved mouth for more tongue relief. I am impressed with the bit results. Took her a little while to get used to it, but she settled nicely. She broke at the poll and I got the smoothest gait consistantly along with side passing. Very easy to use and it doesn't take a lot of que to communicate to the horse what you are wanting. Not to mention relief for the horse in doing the right thing - it is instant. She is very calm following another horse with the bit... the copper roller gives her just the right amount of play and keep her mouth moist and supple. She has stopped the grinding and trying to grab the edge of the shank. Follows along on a loose rein. I am a happy horse mom!
Edited by ponytammy 2008-05-19 9:44 PM
Posts: 243
Location: Maine | Glad to hear it worked for you. There are a lot of naysayers - just because the bit LOOKS harsh, it's not. And as I said, it doesn't work for everyone - what does? But, in your case, it was apparently a wise investment - and to get the bit with the Circle Y headstall for less than you'd pay for the bit alone - icing on the cake! WTG |