Okay - I've really been stressed over what to use for the ceiling of my project trailer. My walls are going to be wood planks...(lowe's website is down - can't post a link right now). I want something unique and western. I wanted my ceiling to be the same material, but I wanted the planks to run the length of the ceiling instead of the width (to add a little contrast from the walls). I got to looking at the ceiling and it tapers inward towards the nose and I decided cutting the planks to fit that would be too much of a hassle (for me) and I became stressed over what I wanted to use. I had initially wanted to make my walls similar to something I saw in a few restaurants where the bottom half is corrugated metal and the top half is wood. I gave up on that idea when I realized that making the corrugated part trim well together with the wood could be difficult. (look @ the wall behind the girls) 
The other day I was @ Lowe's looking at the corrugated metal because I thought about using it as a ceiling "tile" type thing. I came across some nifty little pieces of wood they sell that fit into the corrugated parts so that everything is flush and level. 
Now I'm torn between a few things... 1. Do I want to slightly rust the metal then clear coat it so it stays just slightly rusted to add a little 'rustic' appearance to the metal OR do I want to leave it shiny and clear coat it so its really glossy???? 2. Wouldn't it be best to get it all mounted how I want it, THEN do the clear coat? 3. Since the support beams of the trailer run across the width of the trailer and my metal is going to run down the length, do I need to put in furring strips or can I just screw the metal to the support beams? 4. Do I need to clear coat the "other side (that will not be on the interior) to prevent it from rusting?
Edited by Mandi/Abby 2008-03-23 1:33 PM