Posts: 1989
Location: South Central OK | they are both fungal infections and therefore can be treated similarly Horseman's dream makes a lovely product called fung-away and it says it cures ringworm on the label but I've used it for just about anything under the sun and a little goes a long way. It does not burn or sting when applied.,104016_L,147,5761_Horsemans-Dream-Fung-Away.html If the problem is ringworm be sure to check yourself for infection and always wash your hands after touching your horse and his tack. (I'd also run off any stray barn cats as they can be a source of infection.) Iodine shampoo can be mixed into a bucket of water and used to soak your brushes and then used to scrub down any other items needing sanitation. |
Posts: 294
Location: Fort Worth, Tx | If it is ringworm you should shave the areas around it as ringworm feeds on keratin. One easy way to tell is to go out to the barn tonight and use a black light on it. If it glows, it's ringworm. Ringworm is fastest gotten rid of when exposed to the sun. It is highly contagious so disinfect EVERYTHING daily. If you start seeing purple spots on your arm, you've got it. |
New User
Posts: 2
Location: COLORADO | hey doc...i don't know where you live, but i'm from the south, where there is a LOT of rain rot. the best thing we ever found to treat and prevent it is Captan. Captan is a fungicide for flowers and since rain rot is a fungus, it is the best thing we ever found to use. we would mix about 1/3 Captan & 2/3 water and spray on the rain rot. i even had a horse that would get it so easy that instead of leaving him in the stall all day, i would spray him down, in the morning before i turned him out and then spray him at night, when i brought him in and he Never got it again. i guess you can say, this is an "old timers" or "redneck", LOL, treatment, but it works Great. |