Posts: 41
Location: Alvordton Ohio | Hi, everyone I have a question to trow out there to everyone. Does any one know what to do about rainrot. I think this is what my new horse has but not sure. At first I thought maybe it was where the other horses was biting him but I don't think this is it. It looks like little patches of here missing. |
Posts: 2615
| You can actually feel little bumps along their back which are scabs.When you brush the hair will come out in little tufts,like a tiny paintbrush.Go to the drugstore and get Betadine SCRUB,not solution.THe scrub is a surgical scrub.I've bathed mine about twice when it gets warm,let the lather set for about 10 minutes each time before rinseing. EQYSS makes a good spray-on solution to leave on between shampoos that will also work well to help eradicate it. |
Posts: 1877
Location: NY | that is what i did when a horse came in to the stable with rain rot it took a few time but now all is clear |
Posts: 2615
| Also be very particular about your brushes and grooming items.Don't use on any other horse,and soak them in bleach and water after you groom your horse to keep it from spreading.don't use the same blankets,ect.You get the idea. |
Posts: 294
Location: Fort Worth, Tx | you should not use the Eqyss product with Betadine, there are warnings on the bottles...if you are using Eqyss use both the Eqyss medicated shampoo and the spray or gel. They are expensive but work very well. Keep your horse dry and exposed to the sun and air as much as possible. If you are blanketing wash and completely dry the blankets frequently to avoid the fungus spreading. |
Posts: 2615
| I have used both concurrently with success.I just don't use them at the same time.I use the Equyss product in between shampoos or in the wintertime when I can't bathe horses.The label on the Micro-Tek does sayNOT to use with iodine based shampoos.I have done so,but as I say,between shampoos,when my horse has gotten healed from the worst of the condition,and in winter when unable to bathe one.
Edited by crowleysridgegirl 2008-02-25 8:51 AM
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 368
Location: Georgia | I have used a solution of 50% rubbing alcohol and 50% white vinegar with great success on rain rot. Everyone that I have told about this solution has had good results as well. Just pour it on the affected area or put it in your hand and rub it on. It sounds harsh but it works and it did not seem to bother my horses when I was applying it. Ride ON! |
Elite Veteran
Posts: 824
Location: Kansas | Commonly available ingredients (VERY important when you live 2 1/2 hours away from the closest tack shop) and cheap-I love it! |
Posts: 41
Location: Alvordton Ohio | Thanks, everyone for the info. Appreciate all the replies. Will try one of these for sure. |
Elite Veteran
Posts: 1069
Location: MI. | Baby rash cream after you disinfect the area with betadine. My mare got it while at a breeding farm in Georgia.
Edited by Gone 2008-02-25 12:27 PM
Posts: 114
| I have not seen Eqss stuff but I use pure betadine on my horse's rain rot each spring and fall. Just rub it in with my hand.The rain rot is gone in a couple days with no problems for my horse. There is a vet college only a few miles from me and they recommended the betadine. |
Posts: 1989
Location: South Central OK | Keep a gallon of Iodine shampoo in your tack area and you'll always be prepared. Cleaning brushes and blankets routinely will also help to stop or slow the spread of nasty infections. Adding regular povidone iodine to any shampoo works in a pinch! |
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 378
Location: Nebraska | Originally written by huntseat on 2008-02-26 12:02 PM
Keep a gallon of Iodine shampoo in your tack area and you'll always be prepared. Cleaning brushes and blankets routinely will also help to stop or slow the spread of nasty infections. Adding regular povidone iodine to any shampoo works in a pinch!
I use chlorahexadine the same way. |
Posts: 2615
| I forgot to mention another item I use between shampoos until it has healed up.This can also be used in winter when it's not feasible to bathe a horse.I use one of the medicated powders or anti-fungal powders such as Dr.Scholl's,or Mexana.I believe rain rot is more from a bacterial infection than a fungus,though. |
Posts: 66
Location: Maryland | Shapley's M-T-G is also a very good product. It helps the scabs to loosen and come off. I have heard if you pull these scabs off, it can be painful to the horse. You have to really shake the bottle up before you apply it and it doesn't smell real good, but it does the job. |