I have an inverter that I use in the truck to keep my laptop charged. Being the dumbass I occasionally am, I tried plugging in my electric weedeater once (no results) and my small shop vac to clean the truck once (didn't work either). Never through twice about it, but when I went to a barrel race a few weekends ago, I took my laptop and after my battery died (I guess because I left it in the truck below freezing temps) my inverter wouldn't work. I assumed that plugging in those items above blew it up so I bought a new one @ Home Depot. I tried plugging it in yesterday and it didn't turn on either so I am now assuming that something is wrong in the truck. I tried all three power sources (one on the dash, one in the console and the cigarette lighter). Nothing!! I popped the hood and looked at the fuse box. Figured out which fuse operated them and switched it with another (same size, spare)...still nothing. Any ideas? Do I just need to take it back to Dodge? |