Cleaning MethodsStainless steel is easy to clean. Washing with soap or a mild detergent and warm water followed by a clean water rinse is usually quite adequate for domestic and architectural equipment. An enhanced appearance will be achieved if the cleaned surface is finally wiped dry. Sections below give passivation treatments for removal of free iron and other contamination resulting from handling, fabrication, or exposure to contaminated atmospheres, and pickling treatments for removal of high temperature scale from heat treatment or welding operations. Passivation Treatments· Grades with at least 16% chromium (except free machining grade such as 303), 20-50% nitric acid, at room temperature to 40oC for 30-60 minutes. · Grades with less than 16% chromium (except free machining grades such as 416), 20-50% nitric acid, at room temperature to 40oC for 60 minutes. · Free machining grades such as 303, 416 and 430F, 20-50% nitric acid + 2-6% sodium dichromate, at room temperature to 50oC for 25-40 minutes. Pickling Treatments· All stainless steels (except free machining grades), 8-11% sulphuric acid, at 65 to 80oC for 5-45 minutes. · Grades with at least 16% chromium (except free machining grades), 15-25% nitric acid + 1-8% hydrofluoric acid, at 20 to 60oC for 5-30 minutes. · Free machining grades and grades with less than 16% chromium such as 303, 410 and 416, 10-15% nitric acid + 0.5-1.5% hydrofluoric acid, at 20 to 60oC for 5-30 minutes. "Pickling Paste" is a commercial product of hydrofluoric and nitric acids in a thickener - this is useful for pickling welds and spot contamination, even on vertical and overhanging surfaces. |