What do you have and what do you like? What am I looking at paying new/used trailers? We are thinking about selling our 1/2 ton and getting a small car to drive back and forth to work . So I would sell my lil 2 horse bp and get a gooseneck to use.. we don't want anything fancy just a stock/horse trailer to use so we don't have to borrow the neighbors when move cattle or haul more than 2 horses.
Posted 2007-04-17 2:14 PM (#59465 - in reply to #59462) Subject: RE: Horse/Stock Trailers
Posts: 2828 Location: Southern New Mexico
If you go with a slant trailer, you can leave the dividers open for cattle, or if you go with a stock get the tallest you can find so the horses aren't banging their heads. I've used both for horses and cattle and either will work fine.