Can you haul my trailer from MI to WA?
Reg. Apr 2007
Posted 2007-04-17 1:04 PM (#59457)
Subject: Can you haul my trailer from MI to WA?

New User

Posts: 4

It's a 2-horse bumper pull trailer in good working condition, 15' long and 2250 lbs. Need someone to haul it from Owosso, MI (near Flint) to Sumas, WA within the next few weeks. It's OK if you want to use my trailer to haul your horse or belongings to WA at the same time. Please get back to me with your rate if you're interested. (604)462-7502 or
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Reg. Apr 2007
Posted 2007-04-17 4:40 PM (#59472 - in reply to #59457)
Subject: RE: Can you haul my trailer from MI to WA?


Posts: 5

Location: Oregon
Do you think this trailer will hook up to a 1995 Ford Tarus? Or will it be too heavy?
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Reg. Apr 2007
Posted 2007-04-17 6:20 PM (#59482 - in reply to #59457)
Subject: RE: Can you haul my trailer from MI to WA?

New User

Posts: 4

I think it may be too heavy, especially over that long a distance.
Thank you anyway.
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