New User
Posts: 1
Location: Tempe, Arizona | I am looking for a bumper pull horse trailer large enough to pull a 1000-1200 horse, a marathon carriage and a 2 wheel presentation cart. I am hoping to pull it with my motorhome that has a Ford 450 engine, E350 chassis and can pull 5000 lbs. I have no idea what trailers weight or how long a one is needed for the carraiages plus horse. I also have a Ford Excursion with the big engine if the motorhome won't work, but then I would think about a horse trailer with small living quaters. Is this possible? Any experience or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Elaine |
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 350
     Location: Newton, NJ | We've done combined & pleasure driving for a good many years. Sorry to say IMO that you're probably not going to find a trailer large enough for all your stuff - a big horse and 2 horse sized vehicles - under 3500 lbs. Add the weight of your horse and carriages plus all the other stuff you need - harness, etc. - and you're going to end up way over 5000 lbs GTW. Consider a long bed p/u so you can put one carriage in the bed and a 16-20 foot stock bumper pull trailer for your horse and the other carriage, or a larger gooseneck trailer with a small living quarters.
Good luck in your search! |