Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??
Reg. Jan 2007
Posted 2007-02-02 9:59 AM (#54901)
Subject: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 9

I have been to a few horse shows and find them kinda funny. It seems that the riders are mostly showing off with the fancy clothes, the fancy saddles and gear, the forced smiles, the disgusted look when the rider thinks the horse isn't performing perfect, the sly glances at the judge and then frowning when the judge isn't looking. Round and round you go, up down up down, and in the end, all you get is a crappy ribbon. You also end up with a sweaty horse, some disgusted riders who are pissed because they didn't win, they go back to their montrous trailers, change their duds and do it all over again for the chance for another ribbon.

But when you go trail riding, you have a chance to wear your grubby clothes, who cares what the saddle looks like, you have a chance to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors and you calmly walk through the woods, across the river or better yet, in the river, you don;t give a rip who's watching your riding style, you just want to have fun and let your horse experience the joys of being a horse.

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Reg. May 2006
Posted 2007-02-02 10:37 AM (#54904 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 209
Location: pensacola, fl
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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2007-02-02 10:52 AM (#54907 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 1723
Location: michigan

I see it another way- when i trail ride I put up with flies that buzz the horse ears or the riders face, horse tossing their heads, stoping the bugs, jumping from a weird rock or a bunny hopping away. I put up with rude riders who hog the trail,run past your horse, jumping a creek. Then there are the bikers and hikers that could careless if your horse doesn't like bikes, ride down the middle of the trail while your trying to get to the side to give them room. You're on the trail, starts to rain, no where to go but back to camp or continue on.

it takes hours of arena work and conditioning to show a horse to its best advanatge. Horses must be able to focus on you, your subtle leg and seat cues,ignoring the distractions around them. Showing takes alot of solid training and horsemanship. We get to wear pretty clothes,ride on clean and shiny tack. I visit with friends, go out to dinner after the show and sleep in if it rains.

The point is- you like what you do. I like what I do. One isn't better than the other. So live and let live..........


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Reg. Mar 2006
Posted 2007-02-02 11:05 AM (#54908 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 301
Location: Catoctin Mtn, Maryland

I trail ride only but  I am a fair weather rider. If it's too hot or cold you can forget me..............Show is nice, not for me though.  I enjoy watching.  Those people are very dedicated.   The trail is where my heart is.  I agree with Farmbabe, I too hate all the stuff she mentioned in her post about being on the trails............

Hey to each his own...............


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Reg. Jan 2007
Posted 2007-02-02 12:15 PM (#54910 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 9

When I trailride I don;t have any problems with bikers, hikers, I always prepare for bugs, sprays, netting whatever it takes. I have an area that I ride that I know I won't be bothered and I have a very relaxed horse that loves to explore.

The shows I have seen are just too much work, all I see is dust, the horses going round and round no matter what the temps are. I've seen riders who expect their horse to trot and trot despite it being over 90. And you know, even if it rains, the show does go on.  I guess I  just don;t understand the need to show off at those shows, I actually feel bad for the horse.

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Reg. Mar 2006
Posted 2007-02-02 12:28 PM (#54911 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??

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Location: central sierra nevada foothills
Go to my personal website below to see for yourself what I prefer
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Reg. Dec 2005
Posted 2007-02-02 1:15 PM (#54913 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 238
Location: West Coast

I do both :)

I enjoy riding and getting my horses well broke.  I compete at ropings mostly now, but I do enjoy going back to showing once in awhile too.  For me it's not about the clothes, it's about riding my horse the best I can when it counts.

But... I enjoy trail riding too, I love being outdoors and there's nothing more relaxing than riding your horse on a beautiful sunny day. :)

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Reg. Aug 2006
Posted 2007-02-02 1:15 PM (#54914 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 121
Location: Salem, CT
I can see both sides... I enjoy some of the shows, but a good trail ride would generally be my first choice.  The shows that really blow me away are the high level dressage events - wow the horse and rider are so well "trained".  And yes, I wholeheartedly agree with you on the "fancy duds" - good gosh some of these folks look ridiculous to me, but I guess it's what the level of competition demands.
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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2007-02-02 1:40 PM (#54917 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 1723
Location: michigan
My post was in reponse to the OP and the very negative bitch and whine about shows. Showing horses takes alot of time, effort and practice. Its not about just the clothes and the horses aren't "Just going around the circles"..its much more than that and resent the hell of out people who don't know crap about showing starting a thead about how "funny" shows are. If you have shown horses and just don't care for it, thats fine. I have trail rode and i dont' care for it at all. I get bored not doing anything with my horse. But if you haven't shown nor taken the time to learn the why and hows of the sport, lighten up.
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2007-02-02 1:51 PM (#54918 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 1989
Location: South Central OK

I show but use my show horses, I've even halter broke show calves with my "english" show horses, sometimes they need a mental break and a real job.  To think a show horse only goes around in a well lit manicured arena is very far from true.  The only jumps that aren't made from fallen tree branches are the ones at the shows.  The only ground that is level is the show arena.  While trainig for world I rode in a thicket of trees for the shade, no arena, no plowed dirt, no fencing for my horse to be guided along.  If he didn't listen to my subtle cues he was heading into a tree, no room for errors.

When the cattle need to be brought up, I'd bet on my "english" show horse more than some crazy, ill mannered pasture pony.

The two worlds couldn't be different, they also couldn't be more similar.  You see poorly trained animals in both settings.  Horses that run through bridles can be found on trails or shows.  Horses that are nasty and ill mannered at both.

Dirty or clean, good riders and ones that look like they could fall off, crazys and cautionaries exist in both worlds.

I take pride in my horses and how well they are trained no matter where I take them because I believe that is a main component of having great horsemanship.  Any time your animal is being seen by others it should be clean, groomed and well mannered for they are a reflection of their keepers.

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Reg. May 2006
Posted 2007-02-02 3:25 PM (#54924 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 209
Location: pensacola, fl
I too can see the fun and beauty in both show and trail. My "AMEN SISTER" comment comes from a show that my daughters 4H club hosted. Which means the kids showed and the parents worked their BUTTS OFF. I do enjoy the show just about as much as I do the trail but give me a few weeks to overcome my exhaustion!!
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Reg. Jan 2005
Posted 2007-02-02 3:48 PM (#54925 - in reply to #54918)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??

Elite Veteran

Posts: 781
Location: La Cygne, KS
I agree with hunt seat. I've done both. Trail riding just doesn't mean you get on your horse and placidly go down the trail. It takes just as much effort to prepare a trail horse as a show horse. Just different methods of discipline. I hate it when people say "Well if it the horse doesn't win at a show, it can be a trail horse". I expect my trail horse to be as disciplined as a show horse no matter what the riding disciple. They should stand to be mounted, move off of leg pressure, whoa immediately with seat and slight rein pressure and of course back and side pass as a bonus. I train my 3 year-old MFTs (use to have QHs and arabs, but went to smoother ride) ground manners, bath, clip and leg aids for movement. Much easier to shift weight to go around a tree than pull the head and get your knees banged because the horse to did not flex. In addition to the ground and saddle training, trail horses need to have nerves of steel... depending on your environment the horse needs to remain calm with springing deer, barking dogs, elk and backpackers. Both Show and Trail riders need to prepare their horses and themselves for fitness.
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Painted Horse
Reg. May 2005
Posted 2007-02-02 5:51 PM (#54939 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 2453
Location: Northern Utah

I have no interest in showing. But I'm glad somebody else does, so all those folks don't end up on my trails.

My horses have whiskers on their face, feathers on their hocks, and even a few bite marks on their sides. Their manes and tails are what ever they grew and their pasture mates didn't chew off or that they didn't rub off. I brush out the dead hair when they are shedding before I put a saddle on, and I hose the sweat off after a ride.

My horses have never had black paint on their hooves, cornstartch on their white pasturns, razor burn on their muzzles or baby oil rubbed on their faces.

But my horses have seen the tops of more mountains, breathed more fresh air, drank the coldest water and eaten  the greenest grass around.

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Reg. Jan 2005
Posted 2007-02-02 9:09 PM (#54950 - in reply to #54939)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 379
Location: Columbia, TN
The whole world looks better from the back of a horse whether you ride around in circles or through the woods. Thank God for horses.
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Reg. Jan 2007
Posted 2007-02-02 9:28 PM (#54952 - in reply to #54939)
Subject: Oh how I envy your life !!!!


Posts: 9

You have got it ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2007-02-02 9:48 PM (#54955 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 1989
Location: South Central OK

Cornstarch?  Not with all the other products on the market like French White or any spray white product.  I don't want to get messy...now spray black is a-whole-nother beast!

I thought my Solar Nails would die with all the spray black...my manicurist hated me!

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Reg. Jan 2006
Posted 2007-02-02 11:01 PM (#54956 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 274
Location: MO in woods

I LOVE riding so Trailride.Trailhorses live longer lives less stress on them.They are out there experiencing fresh air,exercise sunshine,birds singing and all the world.Arena riding is like being locked in a large box stall.JMHO why do all that work why waste so much time?I have shown some but dont see why to keep doing it.I love camping and cookouts and beautiful country views.A trail horse wouldnt freak out in arena but cant take a show horse out in woods for a nice ride,They dont know how to get down a trail.Again JMHO seen too many show horse on trail with no clue or clueless arena riders that they both are lost without the judge to tell them what to do.Sorry JMHO.But honest too.

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Its all about horses
Reg. Feb 2007
Posted 2007-02-03 12:01 AM (#54961 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 44
Location: Montana

I can’t believe you said you couldn’t take a show horse on the trail. My Dressage horse is a huge lover of the trails. She can do a 4th level test and win the class and turn around and go out on a 2-day camping trip. (We can and we do!) I have known wonderful trail horses that fall apart the minuet they step in the arena. I saw one older gelding dump his rider in the fence when a bird landed on the rail ahead of him. Pleas do not make show horses sound like nervous animals who don't live a full life

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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2007-02-03 12:22 AM (#54962 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 1989
Location: South Central OK

Trail horses live longer?  Oh, I guess that's because they aren't clones...

Please tell me you never took Biology and I'll forgive your comment.

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Reg. Jan 2006
Posted 2007-02-03 11:43 AM (#54985 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 274
Location: MO in woods

SORRY JMHO or If you couldnt figure it out

Just my humble opinon.....

To me showing is like riding in No challege safe controlled- play pen SORRY.And You really dont ride that much any way.Its mostly prep time etc.Love sports competion YES but some classes so boring.

Trail riders are out in trail RIDING an living a real life experience.No ribbon compares to Sunsets and waterfalls and moutains and sound of birds ever.Again ease up JMHO.

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Reg. Jan 2004
Posted 2007-02-03 2:41 PM (#54990 - in reply to #54956)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 2828
Location: Southern New Mexico

.Again JMHO seen too many show horse on trail with no clue


I've got one of those.  I can finally take her out and ride trails alone or with one of my others with out her thinking that the 20lb jack rabbit that ran across the trail is gonna eat her, but any strange horse and her mind disapears.  

I worked her for months trying to get ready for an organized trail ride and she was doing well until she realized the whole group was going.  Then she wanted to kick the snot out of them.  In the show ring she had no problem with other horses. 

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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2007-02-03 4:54 PM (#55001 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 1989
Location: South Central OK
Biology, the study of living things...I'm guessing not JMHO.
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Reg. Aug 2005
Posted 2007-02-03 5:38 PM (#55005 - in reply to #54950)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??

New User

Posts: 3

Location: Mansfield, Texas
Originally written by iCE CRM on 2007-02-02 9:09 PM

The whole world looks better from the back of a horse whether you ride around in circles or through the woods. Thank God for horses.

My thoughts exactly!
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Reg. Oct 2004
Posted 2007-02-03 8:32 PM (#55012 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 335
Location: Decatur, Texas
I've tried both. Showing became too damned political. If you didn't have the big name or wasn't under the big name's stable, yeah you could win but it was utterly impossible to do anything at Nationals without those conditions. We have an attic full of ribbons and trophies from Regional level. What did that prove? That we love horses and being broke. Fancy clothes, tack, horses with more makeup than Tammy Faye Bakker. We had fun but might as well been riding on a carousel with our push-button horses. And listening to the bitches bitching because someone who didn't have a big name beat them in a championship class after they had spent all that money with MR BIG to increase their chances of winning. THEN- we attended an endurance ride to see what was going on. WOW- the horses were having fun and so were the riders. And no influence peddling for the judges. Only a vet to deal with and everyone's criteria was exactly the same whether you had a ten thousand dollar horse and saddle or a three hundred dollar horse with a hundred dollar saddle. Can you guess which discipline we decided on?  Yeah, still get some ribbons and trophies while enjoying running up and down hills, ravines, crossing streams, running through the woods on a snowy evening, trying to make it back to camp during a thunderstorm, etc. And the people at endurance rides aren't a bunch of snobs like 90% of the people showing. And this ain't my humble opinion, just my perspective of the show world. BEEN THERE, DONE THAT.
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Reg. Apr 2004
Posted 2007-02-03 9:53 PM (#55017 - in reply to #54985)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 127
Location: PA
Originally written by Paints on 2007-02-03 11:43 AM

SORRY JMHO or If you couldnt figure it out

Just my humble opinon.....

To me showing is like riding in No challege safe controlled- play pen SORRY.And You really dont ride that much any way.Its mostly prep time etc.Love sports competion YES but some classes so boring.

Trail riders are out in trail RIDING an living a real life experience.No ribbon compares to Sunsets and waterfalls and moutains and sound of birds ever.Again ease up JMHO.

I don't understand both Dizzydame and Paints.  If you are so negative and condescending about horse shows and the horses and people then WHY DO YOU GO TO THEM?  It is obvious from your posts that you both attend horse shows. That is pretty hypocritical of you.

 Some people enjoy "showing" and much as you enjoy "trail riding", why can't you just accept that there are different strokes for different folks?

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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2007-02-04 8:35 AM (#55031 - in reply to #55012)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 1719
Location: PA
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2007-02-04 8:45 AM (#55033 - in reply to #55012)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 1719
Location: PA
"I've tried both. Showing became too damned political. If you didn't have the big name or wasn't under the big name's stable, yeah you could win but it was utterly impossible to do anything at Nationals without those conditions. We have an attic full of ribbons and trophies from Regional level. What did that prove? "

I've done both too, and I love to do both. I really disagree with your statement about not being able to do anything at the national levels without a big name or a big name trainer. I've been successful at the nationals level in AQHA and no one knew who I was except the folks from my region. I personally love showing because I have a very competitive nature. I'm not obnoxious about competition (like some are) but I do show to win. My philosophy is, if I can't win, I want my friend to win. I have so many friends all over the country because of showing. I enjoy training my horses, showing them, and yes!, getting dressed up in fancy things tho show. What's wrong with that? I also enjoy getting dressed up to go out with friends. But I understand why trail riding is so popular too. I find it very relaxing and great for the horse's mind. So why be so negative about people who enjoy one over the other. It's a personal choice, neither one being right or wrong.
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Reg. Oct 2004
Posted 2007-02-04 7:22 PM (#55055 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 335
Location: Decatur, Texas
I've never shown QH's, only Arabs and the entire Arab show world was full of crooks at the time. Lasma, IAHA, Zodiac to name a few. I am not condescending those who enjoy showing, I'm just relating my past experiences with the show world and why I opted out. I don't do trail either, just endurance. Trail is too slow for us. I'd rather be out in the sun, rain, wind, cold, and heat in my wornout jeans and riding shoes than be in a show ring with my Gucci's in a manmade environment. And competition, try staying in the saddle for 50 miles testing yours and your horse's intestinal fortitude against the elements for 12 hours. That's my opinion! To which I'm entitled. I have nothing against those that show or trail ride. Whatever floats your boat. I march to the sound of a different drummer and sometimes beat the drum to my cadence.
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Reg. Nov 2006
Posted 2007-02-04 7:24 PM (#55056 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??


Posts: 50
Location: Colorado
Wow. Some pretty strong opinions with some about this one.

Our aged Morgan won a bunch of stuff as a 3 year old at a few Morgan specialies years ago. I was looking for a fast moving, lightly built endurance horse with some good sense in his head when heard about a nice little gelding for sale down south of us. I went to look at him but the owner was hoping he would go to a show home, so I went home. A few months later she called me back and this time I took a trail saddle with me and the temperature that day was about 10 degrees. She couldn't believe that I was actually planning to take him away from the arena and into the unfenced wild world outside as she took off his blanket to reveal he had no winter coat or whiskers, immaculate bridle path neatly trimmed halfway down his crest and his tail all bagged up. He flat walked out and was absolutely incredible out on the trails that day and still is, 20 years later -- and is the biggest reason I love trail riding as much as I do.

But now my daughter has him as her 4H project and she has started showing him mostly at Pleasure. Wouldn't you know but he still remembers his manners, and nice transitions, etc. He even will stretch for her as they do for the Morgan standard, and get that look of eagles thing going. Our furry, muddy, retired from distance competition, backyard horse that has all that blue-blood show breeding.

So I think a good horse will do whatever the involved rider will ask of it as long as the time is taken to prepare. We are all lucky to have the choices of trail riding or showing. That's JMHO. Grin.

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Reg. Jul 2006
Posted 2007-02-05 4:31 PM (#55101 - in reply to #54901)
Subject: RE: Who likes to trailride--Who likes to show ??

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 385
Location: high desert, CA.

Just my 2 centavos; 

 I just love to go and explore the trails, smell my mares warm breath, and slightly sweet sweat. We don't always look so clean, and a lot of the time we are in jeans, old boots, a raggdy blanket and doing her Looooong Trot.  Of course I ride an Arabian, so long distance is so nice, And our friends on T Walkers and MFTrotters love us to set the pace. They like to move right out as well, and we have 11,000 acrers of desert and sandstone buttes to explore.  I tried to watch some of the shows at the L.A.E.C. and it was like watching painted ponies!  All glitz and no substance. My wife trains in the traditional Dressage style, and still makes the best horses for the trail. They know how to collect, bend, use their head and neck to balance, and are really well conditioned. None the less she trail rides to allo0w them to excersize their brain and not get bored with training.  I do like to watch the cutters and reiners though.

Steve, on that Grey Arab

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