Posts: 99
   Location: Phoenix AZ | I would like some ideas on how to transform a bumper pull dressing room into sleeping quarters. One idea I have is to convert a three horse slant into a two horse slant with a rear tack. I would extend the dressing room into the first stall. I'm a little concerned that hauling two horses in the very rear of a three horse trailer would add too much weight in the back. It is my understanding that most of the weight should be as far forward as possible. I will be using portable camping equipment as opposed to permament living quarters so there will not be a lot of weight up front to offset the weight in the back. Any comments if this is possible, and if so any suggestions on a trailer? Thanks. |
Posts: 133
  Location: Indianapolis, IN | My friend did this to her trailer... I like the LQ idea in the Bumper Pull |
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 362
     Location: Allegan, Michigan | That is a very nice conversion! Your friend did a great job on that trailer! |
Posts: 10
Location: Wisconsin | qhgirl.....very nice, could you tell me where you found your refrigerator? Is it an ice box fridge or is it electric? |
Posts: 133
  Location: Indianapolis, IN | It is my friends trailer, not mine, I am not sure where she got it. I think it is not electric.. I will have to find out. |
Posts: 99
   Location: Phoenix AZ | Great photos! I'm wondering why BP LQ aren't more popular. Seems desirable for those who don't want the added weight of a Gosseneck, but are sick of crawling in and out of out truck campers. I have a 3Horse CM and am thinking about converting that rather than buy a new one. It's been a reliable, safe trailer and it's already paid for. Any ideas who to contact in the Phoenix area to move the dressing room wall back, add some windows, and a rear tack? Thanks, Daafy |