Posts: 8
Location: Texas | I personally have always hauled a bumper pull but I found a gooseneck I really like thats affordable. But after talking it over with some fellow horse people I was told I needed a long bed to haul a gooseneck. Is this true? If so how come you can not haul a gooseneck with a short bed..? |
Posts: 1723
    Location: michigan | People can and do haul with a short bed- you just don't have quite the turn radius than with a long bed. I do not haul with a short bed but I have many pals who do. I noticed they put the GN hitch a bit behind the rear axle but I don't know if this is a standard install or not. |
Posts: 12
Location: Holstein, NE 68950 | I haul with a Ford 6 1/2' box all the time, my hitch is a B&W mounted the standatd distance ahead of the axle, 2" to 4", I think, the truck isn't here to measure it. The only time I can see it would be a problem is if you had a trailer with the wide nose on front. My trailer is tapered and works fine. |
Posts: 1391
       Location: North of Detroit, MI | and,,,, if you have 4x4 truck and it's an older GN, make sure the GN is tall enough for clearance. If the GN has a tapered nose, you'll have less trouble when turning too. Be sure to install (or have installed) the hitch in the correct location (in front of the rear axle, not behind it). There are also GN extenders. From the homepage of this site... there should be some links for those. It gives you a couple of inches. I also haul a GN with a 6.5 foot box - the advantage of the extended cab over the crew (4 full doors) cab. If you have a 5' box... do some testing and checking.
Edited by gabz 2005-08-29 5:46 PM
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 565
   Location: Michigan | I haul my Exiss gooseneck with an '04 Duramax shortbed with no problems. While it seems to be pretty close to the cab windows when backing up and turning there is no problem with the nose hitting the truck. My trailer does have a tapered nose. But something to think about, tapered nosed gooseneck and plenty of truck bed clearance, height wise. My next truck will be a long bed, but more for other uses than hauling the GN. |
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 322
   Location: Fort Madison, Iowa | I have a 2002 F250 extended cab shortbed that I haul a tapered nose 18ft GN Titan with and haven't had any problems. I would reconsider a shortbed if it didn't have a tapered nose. I do like the shortbed and probably will stick with one unless I buy a longer trailer. I like the easier parking when I'm not hauling. If you plan to haul anything in the back a longer bed would be nicer and a longbed rides alittle better but not much. |
Posts: 2453
       Location: Northern Utah | I had a 2000 F350 and now a 2003 F350 Both Crew cab/shortbeds. I had no problems pulling either of the GN trailers that I've owned during the last 5 years. If your trailer had a really square front it might cause you some concern. But just watch the trailer when you turn really tight. |
Posts: 10
Location: Woodville, AL | I have a 2004 F-150 really short bed that I pull a 2horse slant gooseneck with no problems. I installed a Pop-up hitch extender (9") and this gives me enough clearance to navigate in most situations. I can not however do a full 90dg jack knife. Bought the truck before I bought the trailer so I had to make do. |
Posts: 40
 Location: Maryland | I have a 03 F250 CC SD SB and pull a 3H SL Exiss and have had no problems turning tight with it.....Just have to pay more attention.... |
Posts: 18
Location: Verona, KY | 2004 Ram 2500, quad cab short bed, Kieffer built 3 h slant load, no problems pulling. B&W turnover ball in the standard position. As others have said, make sure the trailer has a tapered nose. |