Repair guaged/torn rubber kick wall on aluminum trailer
Reg. Jul 2021
Posted 2021-08-01 11:41 AM (#179765)
Subject: Repair guaged/torn rubber kick wall on aluminum trailer

New User

Posts: 3

I purchased a 2008 Exiss Sport 2-H Slant Trailer. The interior stall walls are rubber lined but it appears that heat and time has caused the glue sealant to separate from the aluminum frame. The more important issue is it appears horses that were hauled with back shoes have gauged/torn pieces of the rubber kick wall near the floor just above the floor mats.

My question is what is the best way to fix or seal this tears? I have a can of Gorilla Waterproof Patch and Seal Rubberized Sealant Spray. Should I trim off the loose pieces, clean the area with alcohol and use a scotch brite pad. Allow the areas to dry and use the Gorilla Rubberized Sealant Spray on the torn spots?

I know that the rubber walls probably need to be reglue/sealed again to remove the pockets. I will address that later. First concern is the torn areas along the bottom kick wall need to be sealed. Pictures attached.
Thanks for your help.
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Reg. Jul 2021
Posted 2021-08-01 11:48 AM (#179766 - in reply to #179765)
Subject: RE: Repair guaged/torn rubber kick wall on aluminum trailer

New User

Posts: 3

Pictures of torn rubber kick wall. Sorry for the focus... only allowed 100kb per photo.

Edited by 4evercowgirl 2021-08-01 12:03 PM



Attachments 20210801_115426.jpg (88KB - 0 downloads)
Attachments 20210801_115801.jpg (92KB - 1 downloads)
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Reg. Oct 2008
Posted 2021-08-02 12:29 PM (#179792 - in reply to #179765)
Subject: RE: Repair guaged/torn rubber kick wall on aluminum trailer


Posts: 185
Location: riverside ca
your best bet is to find some conveyor belting, preferable the thinner stuff to replace the whole wall with.  you can look on craigslist for the stuff that is less than 1/4 inch.  the probable with the rubber most trailer manufactuers use is that there is no binder in there, so the crumble apart pretty easily.  the conveyor belting you can normally find used is a fiber mat covered in rubber, it is tough as nails and comes in long sheets.  replacing it with the same material will lead to the same problem rather quickly 
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Reg. Jul 2021
Posted 2021-08-03 8:33 AM (#180124 - in reply to #179792)
Subject: RE: Repair guaged/torn rubber kick wall on aluminum trailer

New User

Posts: 3

Thank you for your response. I will be replacing the walls at a later date. I need a fix now so I can haul my mules 300 miles to our new home without any further damage to these areas. I have Gorilla rubber sealant that I think will cover. I just need to know how to clean up these areas in order to apply the sealant to prevent further moisture (urine) getting in.
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Reg. Nov 2003
Posted 2021-08-03 1:35 PM (#180914 - in reply to #179765)
Subject: RE: Repair guaged/torn rubber kick wall on aluminum trailer

Elite Veteran

Posts: 804
Location: Tenn/Ala.
That rubber was there for protection against kicking. It was never moisture proof. I would not suggest using anything like what you are proposing. Frankly- I wouldn't be concerned about a 300 mile trip with it looking like it does. Most trailers look like that, or worse. But when it is repaired, water from cleaning will get in there, and must drain out. Long term- you will probably be happiest with a Rumber product. They make a 4x8 sheet of 1/4' material that is commonly used in a place like that. You can probably get it at any trailer dealership.  
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Reg. Jan 2021
Posted 2021-09-21 5:06 AM (#184821 - in reply to #179766)
Subject: RE: Repair guaged/torn rubber kick wall on aluminum trailer


Posts: 70
Must be a Exiss thing. We have a 2018 model and the 1st weekend we hauler a horse with no shoes and he tore ours up. Been like it 4 years now and no issues.

Hauler the same horse in Sundowner and now a Platinum and haven't had any issues with the rubber wall cover. BUT they are much thicker too!

Not worried about my until I decide to sell it then I will fix it!
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