How do you ship a trailer east coast to west coast?
Reg. Mar 2015
Posted 2018-10-10 4:04 PM (#171955)
Subject: How do you ship a trailer east coast to west coast?

New User

Posts: 2

Location: Sherwood, OR
Can you folks give me some pointers on how best to ship a used horse trailer one way from Tenn to Oregon? It's like 2600 miles :< Any idea of the cost?
It's less than 30' and an LQ. Assuming it would have to be hauled.

Thanks for your help.
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2018-10-11 1:42 PM (#171956 - in reply to #171955)
Subject: RE: How do you ship a trailer east coast to west coast?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 534
Location: Zionsville, Indiana
Check out a site called Folks will bid on the job. List the pick up zip code and the drop off zip code, and the size and type of trailer, hitch type, etc. If you do find someone to haul it, be sire that it is insured before it leaves your possession. This is cheap insurance since there is no liability involved. You can always cancel the insurance when the trailer is where it is supposed to be.
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Reg. Mar 2015
Posted 2018-10-11 2:53 PM (#171958 - in reply to #171955)
Subject: RE: How do you ship a trailer east coast to west coast?

New User

Posts: 2

Location: Sherwood, OR
Thanks Kay. I finally got smart and searched on RV transport services and found a bunch of companies. I'll try your suggestion as well.
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Reg. Oct 2011
Posted 2018-10-11 3:16 PM (#171959 - in reply to #171955)
Subject: RE: How do you ship a trailer east coast to west coast?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 657
Location: Rayne, LA
Just FYI, a freind of mine used Kay's method and was shocked about the amount of money that he saved. And I really agree with her in making sure that it is insured
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Reg. Dec 2019
Posted 2021-07-08 3:58 AM (#174016 - in reply to #171955)
Subject: RE: How do you ship a trailer east coast to west coast?

New User

Posts: 2

It's not hard if you have a friendly friend who works in logistics
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Reg. Jul 2021
Posted 2021-07-27 7:22 AM (#175568 - in reply to #171955)
Subject: RE: How do you ship a trailer east coast to west coast?

New User

Posts: 1

That's an enormous package... It won't be easy to deliver it, but there are options. The main thing is to use ems tracking to make sure you don't lose that valuable cargo, and basically, everything will be fine with the shipping trailer.
I think the important thing here is to find a reliable company that has the ability and the proper transport. It is necessary to call in advance and make arrangements because such parcels require special preparation.
I think there should be no problem because my neighbor transported a small van and it took half a day, no more.
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