Posted 2017-02-21 8:30 PM (#169382) Subject: LQ Pass Thru hinge
Posts: 88 Location: Washington
Wondering if this is an issue for anybody else............LQ pass-thru door hinges protrude into the front stall of the three horse trailer. The middle hinge looks like it's a direct hit on horsey #1's rib cage. My plan is to have it cut off and hope that the door retains enough stiffness that it doesn't become a problem in the future. If it doesn't work out, I'll be looking for a retrofit piano style hinge (or something). Amazing what I missed while my eyes were glazed over by the shiny new trailer. Anybody else?
Posted 2017-02-22 5:20 PM (#169386 - in reply to #169382) Subject: RE: LQ Pass Thru hinge
New User
Posts: 3
Location: Hanover, MN
A less drastic solution would be to install firm foam bumper pads on the door and the wall on either side of that hinge so when they lean up against it they bump into the pads. Cutting off a hinge will almost certainly compromise the function of the door and probably hurt you come resale time. Check out photos on the used Hart's and 4 Stars, they often have those pads installed from the factory.
Posted 2017-02-22 5:56 PM (#169387 - in reply to #169382) Subject: RE: LQ Pass Thru hinge
Posts: 88 Location: Washington
Hadn't thought of that. I'll look into that. Thanks for the suggestion. I duct taped a piece of pipe insulation to it last year and wasn't at all happy with that.
Posted 2017-02-23 2:33 PM (#169388 - in reply to #169382) Subject: RE: LQ Pass Thru hinge
Posts: 88 Location: Washington
Once again thanks for the tip. I did some quick Inter-Search this AM and the pads look like a promising approach. I will probably buy and install a some and see how it goes. They are a pretty flimsy build but one could always redo them with stronger/thicker material. I see that some manufacturers use 4 hinges which keeps from landing a hinge right in the rib area. Unfortunately, that's not my case.
Posted 2017-02-23 5:14 PM (#169395 - in reply to #169382) Subject: RE: LQ Pass Thru hinge
Posts: 1989 Location: South Central OK
Tread carefully if you cut the hinges. I know a lady that had her stud kick into the walk-through door and cut the femoral artery. When she came out of the resturant she found a pool of blood under the trailer and her dead stallion in the first stall hanging by the halter. RIP, Classic Cherry Cola.