Posts: 29
 Location: California | Hi all, I'm looking at a 2H 2000 Morgan with tack room. It's like an open stock trailer that is converted into a 2H slant -- and the tack room is not totally enclosed -- it has a small opening (I'd say 4 inches) from the ceiling, so that the tack wall can be removed to make it an open stock. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this -- if that opening is going to cause dirt, etc to be flung all over my tack room. A fully enclosed tack is about $1200 more -- and rather not spend the $. Or was just going to alter it somehow on my own if needed.Appreciate any input.
(inside w divider closed.jpg)
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Posts: 3802
      Location: Rocky Mount N.C. | That wall is to keep large critters out of there, dust, dirt, some water droplets, mice, raccoons, sparrows, etc will migrate into this tack area..... Oh, forgot to mention the snake population would like to nap in there!!!! |
Posts: 5870
       Location: western PA | It would be an easy and inexpensive process, to install a plywood panel cut to fit the opening. It can then be painted to match the present interior colour. Make a cardboard template and scribe it onto the plywood. Add a few inches of height to the bottom, allowing an area to be bolted to the wall. We had a stock/combo trailer with a similar opening above the moveable bulkhead. We never closed it in and had no problems with anything being thrown into the tack area. The area did get dusty from the show grounds we frequented, but equally, so did everything else. |
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 402
    Location: Valentine, NE | We put a piece of "draft stop" flexible rubber on ours. It is used on overhead roll up shop doors. Is about 4" wide and is shaped like an "L". Screwed the lower part of the "L" on to the tack wall. Comes in lengths of ~12' or so. Really flexible, fairly heavey and holds up really well. Most home improvement stores care it.
Good luck! |