Horse Clicks and Spam
Reg. Sep 2003
Posted 2013-06-21 11:51 AM (#152874)
Subject: Horse Clicks and Spam

Elite Veteran

Posts: 720
Location: Never miss a good chance to shut up.

We've discovered a number of our horse trailer dealers websites have been scraped of their ads.  I've talked to many realtors who have mentioned their horse property ads were never placed on Horse Clicks either but they just appeared.

My concern is their use of all the emails they are harvesting.  Our horse related spam email is way up.  But I also have more and more recent emails coming from the Chinese.







(Well now that is weird.  I copied the chincse from my email and pasted it here and it is showing up as question marks.)


I don't read Chinese or whatever this is . . . but they all come with attachments, which I never open.

Just wondered if anyone has first hand information on them or knows who they are.  My google says they are UK based with a new Miami FL connection to the U.S.

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