How To Repair Cracked Wire Cover
Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2012-10-24 9:36 PM (#147892)
Subject: How To Repair Cracked Wire Cover


Posts: 121
Location: MO

The outer cover/sheath on the wire to my rooftop solar panel is cracked and broken off in several places exposing the two colored wires inside.  Is there a product out there that can be used to recover and protect?  I was thinking of something along the lines like pipe insulation -- a tube with a slit along the length that could be slipped over the wires, but it would have to be much, much smaller in diameter.

Any suggestions?

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Reg. Oct 2010
Posted 2012-10-24 10:38 PM (#147893 - in reply to #147892)
Subject: RE: How To Repair Cracked Wire Cover


Posts: 259
Location: Topeka Ks
Try an electrical supply store and ask for u-guard. It should cover the wires and provide protection. Scotch 33 is uv protected and will last years in the weather. Good luck!
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