Extreme Veteran
Posts: 373
     Location: Texas | We have a Siemans Solar panel, (max power 50 watt). There are 3 batteries on the system. One is stored separate than the other two, and is a normal 12V Marine battery. The other two are 6V each, in series, stored up under the gooseneck. The wiring is a jumble of lots of things going on at the 2 6 volts. With the solar coming in, the other battery coming in, the connection to put them in series.....
We had to change the wire running from the battery charge regulator to the two batteries when I took it out from under the trailer with a blow out. We had everything working, and now we have issues again.
So, my question is, anyone know of a wiring diagram for a set up like this? (wishful thinking, I'm sure)
Hubby is good with electronics and such, but I'm thinking we are just missing something simple
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Posts: 264
    Location: Sumas Washington | WOOF.. Gonna be pretty hard to diagnose without seeing the trailer. I would suppose SOMEONE out ther has a diagram of a common system. GOOD luck.. | |
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Posts: 3853
        Location: Vermont | Oh yeah, you'd want to ensure each "cell" is same voltage. And there would still be some problems though, different Amp-hr ratings of the batteries for example would cause the current of the bank to fall off as small batteries drained quicker...Attaching diagram of battery linkage
Edited by PaulChristenson 2012-06-15 10:43 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Posts: 373
     Location: Texas | We got things all hooked up again, and charging, except we had to take the LQ's inverter out of the line up. It seemed to discharge when the inverter was hooked up. (although it was not flipped on) The inverter is an after market, 12v to 120, added some time after trailer was built. Checking the inverter, it seems to be showing intermittent Ohms on the meter, suspecting a short.
After reading up on it, I'm thinking it is not a good idea to have the one 12 volt along with the 2 6 volt in line batteries. The 12 volt is stored about 12' away, in a separate compartment.
Figuring out what folks have done in a used trailer is like a puzzle..... | |