Posts: 5
Location: Northern CA | I own a Circle J 2H BP slant load and need to use existing tack/dressing room for sleeping (can't afford an LQ) - does anyone know of some way of installing a rear tack/storage area? I see this feature on other horse trailers and I've seen a real cool one called "Safetack" on the Double D trailers; but wondered if anyone knows how to modify or has added one to an existing trailer? I never haul a 2nd horse and there's so much wasted space I hope to utilize for the "hu-man". |
Elite Veteran
Posts: 610
  Location: Northern CA | I too have seen the awesome "safetack" option made by Double D. I want that same feature and am talking to my nearest trailer dealer to see if they can fabricate me one for my trailer. I decided to keep what I have, (2-horse gooseneck) instead of getting a new LQ or weekender. So, I guess that justifies the expenditure of the "safetack" rear tack option huh?! It will be expensive I am sure. I did see a steel one that was beige in color for sale somewhere.($500-)plus shipping. I want aluminum as my trailer is all alum. The hinges are piano hinges? (On the safetack option) |
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 385
      Location: high desert, CA. | How many saddles and bridles will you take?I saw in horse.com, ( old country supply ), catalog, a fold down saddle rack, and then put a portable tack hanger from the bottom of the rack. It is for a western saddle, and I have one in my 2 horse to use when we take both western and English saddles. ( wife rides English for shows, so we need 3 saddles for only two horses) Catalog number is; WLW05,and is on page 63 of the latest catalog. go to; www.horse.com |
Posts: 5870
       Location: western PA | I helped an owner install a non moveable rear tack area in a slant load trailer. The walls were made of 3/4" marine plywood, and the saddle racks were purchased from Ebay. We copied the dimensions from my Exiss, and built it in an afternoon. Total cost was ~$230 The owner later painted the walls with a gloss white paint, and it looked almost like a factory installation. |
Elite Veteran
Posts: 610
  Location: Northern CA | the purpose of the "safe-tack" for those of you who have not seen it...Is that it is a swing out, rear tack box that completely moves out of the back corner of your trailer if need be. It is a completely enclosed 3-4 rack, upright saddle compartment. AWESOME idea. Look at the youtube video at Double D trailers to see what it is all about. I would love one of these! I once had a mare loaded in that rear stall who decided one day, that she was going to refuse to back out of the stall she was in(last stall)She had never before offered to do this (never again afterwards either)Still to this day we never figured out what was wrong with her that day. ( Yes, this is a well trained mare with great ground manners who has had all the groundwork done) She just decided she was NOT coming out of the trailer that day! Anyways, I had the regular collapsible rear tack or folding rear tack as some call it. It took me 25 minutes to "fold" or "collapse" that stinking rear tack!( And put everythidng back into it!) I had to do this to get that mare out that day. I would much rather have the "safetack" option than the folding or collapsing rear tack. |
Posts: 5
Location: Northern CA | I've contacted Double D/Safetack and its a patented design & of course not available for retrofit. I'm thinking this is a grand idea for someone to develop & sell; wish I was a welder! |
Posts: 5
Location: Northern CA | I typically only take 1 saddle, but have a 2nd for "backup". I'm thinking of designing something out of plywood like the comment below and creating it on a piano-hinge so its kind of moveable. Like the Safetack (patented) design by Double D trailers who won't retrofit it into other trailers as they of course want you to buy one of their trailers, which I'd love to do, but there's this thing called money that blocks my way! |
Posts: 5
Location: Northern CA | Yes, thank you. This is what I will plan on doing too. It again seems like a niche to fill - I guess I need a personal welder! |