We have a Elite LQ with a hay rack up top...the hay rack houses our generator, spare tire and a 40 gallon water tank for the horses. The water tank is the heavy plastic kind.... and is strapped down but not covered...I am running into a problem where here in NC it is so hot in the summer that the water in my tank is getting super hot.....IS there anything that I can buy/or have made that isnt going to cost a arm and leg to help reflect some of the heat from the sun away from the tank and help keep the water a bit cooler? Moving the tank is not an option... someone recommend using duct tape like they use for HVAC installation and another recommended buying a reflective visor that people use for their car's front window... remember that it has to hold up to interstate travel and going 70+ mph and I dont want it to look ghetto. We rodeo so I need that tank as we never know what kind of situation we will run into on the road where we need water... Any ideas? |