Some of our members have completed the DIY installation of the bed liner material in their aluminum trailers. The posted information is now a few years old, and should be updated. What I would like to know from those who have, along with those who have not yet completed the task, is what your thoughts are about the available information. Did you find the instructions complete? Lacking? Confusing? Do/did you need any additional information about the process? What details can be included, to make the process more informative? What can be deleted? What's the best title for searching? Since my original thread was posted, some materials have changed as well as their availability. It is my intention to redo the thread, updating it with more current info. I also think it might be more informative, if I also included related aluminum flooring repairs and respirator information into one thread, instead of the scattered threads now available. Because I can no longer edit the thread after it's posted, it's pretty much a one shot deal to be correct with the first try. I would greatly appreciate your comments, and value your ideas and input. Our forum's family's insight, has made trailer ownership much easier and informative for many people. I have been greatly assisted with my own ownership, and I would like to contribute in any way I can. Thank you in advance. Gard
Edited by gard 2011-04-21 3:31 PM