I dont know if there is a Master checklist. However a few of my points would be. #1 Be realistic as to the towing capabilitys of your towing vehicle. MANY Many times trailer buyers get into trouble by assuming that the truck-car-SUV they have can tow lots just because the trailer dealer tells them that is should be OK. Some trailer dealers are only interested in making the biggest sale possible. YOU are reaposible for matching your tow vehicle's towing ability to your trailer. #2 Pay the extra for a lighter weight well built trailer. If you reduce the weight of the trailer you can carry more payload. #3 Pay extra for heavier rating on tires axles and BRAKES. This is one of the best investments for your and your horses safety. #4 If this is your first trailer you may have to consider this a learning or trial trailer. You may have to use it and decide what features you would add to the next unit. There are many more things to think about, this is just a starting point on the big issues |