Sarah, The 6.0L as they age have had a few common problems. FICM ( Fuel Injector Control Module) This is usually some solder joints become weak and you have loss of voltage. I think a new module is $400 $500. But there are several threads on the Diesel websites that give directions on how to pull the module and resolder the weak connections and how to test. So if you do it yourself, It's an afternoon for hubby. If you take it into a dealer, it will be the $500 in parts and half a days labor. So $800-$1000 Mine went bad at 90,000 miles HPOP The endcap on the High pressure oil for the fuel injectors has a tendency to leak. When it does, the dealer needs to pull the valve cover and rebuild that part. I had mine done at the same time as my FCIM. The bill would have been $1800 for both. But since i was under 100,000 miles and 5 years. The warranty covered it. EGR The egr is a $400 repair if it becomes plugged EGR Cooler. This is cooler that cools exhaust that is being recirculated back into the engine. The part itself isn't terrible expensive, But you have to remove a lot of components to get to it. So the labor cost get expensive. I never replaced it on my trucks, But it seems to be a common topic in the repair forums for the 6.0. I think if you are going to drive that truck to 200,000 miles, It's probably something you will see along the way. Here is a detail explaination of whats involved and an aftermarket replace part. If the truck has been chipped at. Head gaskets seem to be at risk. The common repair is to replace the head studs with those that will withstand more pressure. I use my trucks hard. they have some sort of a trailer hooked up almost daily. They do lots of short trips and start and stops. All in all, I was happy with my trucks that had the 6.0L. The 6.0L is a little weak when trying to get rolling from a stop with a load. Thats why ford went to 6.4L and now the 6.7L to give them a little more umph. There were a few minor problems, In my case they were repaired under the 100,000 mile warranty. I did pay for the following 2nd gear silenoid About $700 at about 70,000 miles Clock Spring in steering wheel $200 at about 80,000 miles Speed sensor in rear end few hundred dollars at about 40,000 miles I went thru 4 glow plugs. They are $29 a peice, But $200 to open valve cover to install. The dealer swears they rarely ever replace any glow plugs on other 2005-2007 6.0L. In fact he claims they only keep 2 in inventory because they replace them so seldom. |