Need an opinion(s) from those who have Megacabs. I have a 2500 Dodge Megacab (not long bed) and have to decide between 2 trailers - Both 20ft. Difference is the featherlite is aluminum and square nose and titan is steel with tapered nose. I prefer the Featherlite, but after reading previously posted comments I am concerned about hitting the truck frame/window/etc. Will the hitch extension fix this sitution on most turns? Which one will I need or work best? What about placement of hitch? or would I be better off going with the tapered nose trailer even though it is steel (not necessarily the one I want but will adapt) but still a good trailer. Also, never having pulled a tapered nose trailer before does it pull different (wind resistance/etc.) than a square nose trailer? Any insight would be helpful. Thank you in advance for your help. |