Originally written by summit_bound on 2010-05-19 8:21 AM
Thanks. I will check these out. I have an 08 GMC 2500HD. I took the trailer on its maiden voyage last weekend. I had not realized the right mirror was a problem until I passed someone on the interstate and I couldn't tell when it was safe to get back over into the right lane. That was no good. Retento, if you can't see all the way around your trailers, how do you know when you're okay to move to the right? Sometimes I have to lean forward or to the side to be sure I'm clear to reenter the right lane. If you'll use your turn signals, most truckers will flash their lights to signal that you're clear. That's probably against the law, but that don't make it wrong!!! My truck is a 2001 GM, it came with the manual slide out towing mirrors. With them pulled all the way out I can see what's going on in either lane, just can't see all the way down the side or the back corners of the trailer. Never had any problems in traffic, just can't quite see all the way along the side... I can see the first axle hub cover sticking out. Practice, practice, practice. Get acclimated with the length of the truck and trailer and as to where other vehicles are located in the mirrors. Get a couple friends with some other vehicles out to a empty parking lot early one Sunday morning. Station some vehicles, measure some distances, check them in your mirrors and etch these distances in your mind!! Use the highway center white lines to aid in knowing for sure that you're clear to change lanes. It you've got two lines from the rear of the trailer to the front of the vehicle in the next lane you're clear to reenter. Two white line at 60 mph is approx. 2 seconds. Some fed. govt. stuff.... http://www.nhtsa.gov/cars/rules/rulings/NPRM-FMVSS/NPRM-RearviewMirrors.html One of those rear view camera's would be nice!! http://www.rearviewsystems.com/ |