Extreme Veteran
Posts: 489
| Does anyone stand horses under a trailer awning? We have horses that stand well but they are after all horses and anything can happen. I have a 20 foot awning that has a middle support so if htey would happen to bump the middle our outside post there would be another to help hold it. Mike |
Posts: 214
Location: lyle,mn | This is a sore subject with my hubby and he might post also. We went camping last spring and had to back the trailer deep into the camping spot with the awning on the same side as the hitching post. We tied the horse on the far side of the hitching post and the first nite everything went great. The next nite hubby's horse slip her halter and wander a little ways off, well my horse got nervous and came around the hitching post and bent the arm on the awning. IT took an hour and a hammer to get the awning down and rolled back. I don't remember what it cost to have a arm put on the awning. Awning has out when this all happen. Lesson learned awnings and horse don't mix. Don't know what we would've done if we hadn't been able to get the awning rolled back up. |
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Location: cedar rapids iowa | sounds like a recipe for disaster |
Posts: 229
| blackcows, I've thought about doing this, but the only way that I figured out to do it would be to use the portable corral under the awning, leaving a minimum of a one foot space from the trailer and side arms of the awning. However, I don't think that I will try it. I wouldn't be surprised if my gelding reached over and chewed a bit on my trailer. As it is, I won't even tie him to the trailer! I just don't trust him when he gets bored. |
Posts: 2615
| One of the tie rings on our trailer is right beside the awning arm,and when the awning is out,the horse would be uncomfortably close to that awning,for me.One sideways jump or getting the tie rope caught in the awning arm,and I'm thinking boo-koo BUCKS spent afterwards would be the necessary result. |
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Location: Rocky Mount N.C. |
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Location: western PA | |
Posts: 144
Location: Hickory Hills, IL | I see trailers listed for sale with "dual awnings" and say one for the LQ and one for the horses. Always struck me as a bad idea. As it is we never used the awning on our trailer so I removed it. It always seemed like more of a bother than it was worth and when it started to unroll going down the highway I removed it shortly after. Our awning was old and crappy though- part of the reason we never used it was it was at least a 3 person job because it didn't work right. Also the awning would get in the way of opening the door all the way to the LQ. Trailer looks much cleaner without it. :-)
Edited by statzk 2010-05-07 4:05 PM
Posts: 122
Location: Monroe, WA | I have given the horse the awning or part of it but it was with an electric fence pen protecting the arm so the horse is loose. I have tied one horse in the middle of the awning and he was good - the wind was not. Wind took the awning as I was running to close it when the wind came up fast. Horse was unexpectedly very good about the whole ordeal. |
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 489
| It appears that everyone thinks horses under the awning is not a good idea so what do you do if no shade is available for the horses? Do you just let them sit in the sun and make sure they have plenty of water? We also show cattle and have a lot of big fans and generators so I may take some of those to the shows this summer. In the past we have always gotten to shows as early as possible and tried to find some shade but that doesn't always work. Here is the fans that we have: http://www.sullivansupply.com/Iowa/detail.aspx?ID=14068 Mike |
Posts: 2615
| Yeah,they are a lot hardier than we give them credit for.Mine are out in the sun most of the day grazing,after all.With adequate water,I don't see a problem with it.It is akin to blanketing our horses in wintertime,sometimes I think we equate how we'd feel with how we think they feel. |
Posts: 134
| I wouldn't put a horse under a awning on my trailer. I invested in a awning with a frame that comes apart. It is basically a canopy with legs. They come in all different sizes. Ours has proven to be a very good investment. If you have a portable corral it works great for that, or electric fence. It has really been a godsend when you are at a show and it is 90 degrees with not a drop of shade anywhere. I think we bought ours at Sears ,but I know they have made alot of improvements to them since we got ours. Check places that carry alot of camping gear. Whatever else I know my horses appreciate the shade. |
Location: Central Arkansas | We put ours under the awning but we have a tall trailer that has short armed electric arms so it has not been an issue for us. I always hang a hay bag for them to munch on. I also believe in hobbles when tied if they are moving about too much. |
Posts: 1351
Location: Decatur, Texas | As long as we are around the trailer ours get to stand under the awning (if it is hot and sunnny out), but the couple of horses we ride all the time are dead a** broke and will stand for anything. This is where the portable panels I built come to play. I use 4 of the panels, 1 on each end of the awning extended and 2 extended out. But will not leave them unatended like this! |
Posts: 68
| We have portable corrals and the horses have their own awnings that we put up for them they are ez-up awnings take a few minutes to put up and a heck of allot cheaper to replace!Mira |
Posts: 1723
Location: michigan | I have seen people put horses under the awning but I guess you have to know your horses. In my case, No I wouldn't but other people might have horses willing to put up with the wind whipping the awning...I wouldn't say this is a cut and dried no or yes... |
Posts: 1351
Location: Decatur, Texas | Originally written by farmbabe on 2010-05-12 1:52 PM
other people might have horses willing to put up with the wind whipping the awning...
Well in this case, I will not even pull my awning out, they are way to costly to replace.....
Posts: 68
| Used the EZ-Up awning at Old Capital ride O'Bannon State forest last year during some of the worst weather, torrential rain,wind ,tornado warnings, at the end of it all my horse was happy and dry.But you are right some horses may not put up with it.Mira |