.jpg) Expert
Posts: 2828
      Location: Southern New Mexico | I have a gelding that is tatooed and I have been trying to find information on him. The first number is hard to read but I think it is 94570 (or O). The Jockey club tats have a letter and then 4 or 5 numbers so his tat doesn't work with them if the first character is a 9 (A-Z dont' seem to fit the shape). AQHA has 4 numbers then a letter and they have a horse registered with that tat but is showing a sorrel and my gelding is bay. Are there any other associations to check with? We aren't showing or selling, I'm just curious. Ok. I give. I just can't post pictures but its on my album.
Edited by Terri 2009-12-29 4:25 PM
Elite Veteran
Posts: 824
    Location: Kansas | Could your gelding have looked bay at the time of the tattoo? Was it maybe done before he had shed out as a young horse or??? Just brainstorming. |
.jpg) Expert
Posts: 2828
      Location: Southern New Mexico | I thought about that after I hung up with the lady at AQHA. I had an appy that was listed as sorrel because he only had black on 3 legs. I'll call back tomorrow and ask if there are pictures they can look at to check. The tattoo was a perfect match but the color was listed wrong. I'd love to see his pedigree. |
     Location: KY | If the tatoo is the same, it is most likely your horse. I have a twh mare who is registered as grey....and she is a solid liver chestnut still at age 7 (I didn't register her). I wish she was a grey....... |
Posts: 2453
       Location: Northern Utah | I had a horse registered as a Chestnut Roan. but he was very grey when I got him and turned white over the n couple of year. And yes this forum is a little different to post photos in. You can insert the quick link [IMG] [/IMG] like most other forums. Cick the little photo icon ( 4th from right side on the tool bar) and paste in the http:// address and seect OK My chestnut roan. He probably was chestnut when he was young. But each year he gets whiter. 
.jpg) Expert
Posts: 2828
      Location: Southern New Mexico | Thanks y'all. I guess go with the tattoo and see what info I can get on him. |
     Location: KY | ooooohhhhh, Painted, he is gorgeous |
Posts: 2453
       Location: Northern Utah | Thank you. He has gotten so much lighter over the last few years. I sold him to a friend a couple of years ago, but I still borrow him when I need a spare horse. 

.jpg) Expert
Posts: 2828
      Location: Southern New Mexico | I love your pictures. I'm so jealous... We'll have to retire to Utah. Of course I'll have to get over my fear of mountian roads. |
Posts: 2453
       Location: Northern Utah | I know you have some neat rides in NM. No need to move to Utah. I've ridden a few places down there. Over by Luna,NM and north around Taos, NM and Los Alamos. All were beautiful forest areas. |
.jpg) Expert
Posts: 2828
      Location: Southern New Mexico | All that is up north of me. I haven't had much of a chance to get out and about since we moved here. Now that my shoulder is healed I'm going to try to get my mare broke so I can start riding again. |
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 420
    Location: Iowa | WOW!!! Great pictures!! |
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 560
   Location: Mena, AR | I wonder if the horse that matches your Tat has a DNA record with the AQHA? If they do,for $50?, you could find out if that's your horse. |
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 330
    Location: northeast Texas | Is it possible that he is a Standardbred ? They tattoo also. And I want to point out that a tattoo doesnt necessarily mean he raced or is registered. In Louisiana all horses are required to have a permanent ID before you can pull a coggins test. A freeze brand, microchip or lip tattoo are all acceptable. I have a friend in Louisiana that tattooed hers because it was the cheaper of the 3. He could also be registered with APHA as a solid Paint. There are many possibilities. Many people dont realize that gray covers any color. They think it has something to do with black and dont realize that a chestnut horse, or any other color, can turn gray if they inherit the gene for it. I have often seen sorrel or chestnut horses graying and people think they are red roans. To me it would be good to have the original base color listed on a gray horse's registration certificate along with the correction to gray. |
.jpg) Expert
Posts: 2828
      Location: Southern New Mexico | I asked about dna and the AQHA Lady said there wasn't a system to check it. Maybe if they are checking for a specific horse... I don't know. When I have a chance to call again I'll ask. |
 Extreme Veteran
Posts: 385
      Location: high desert, CA. | My lil grey has a full sister who is the most beautiful golden chestnut you could ask for. Same sire same dam. Sire is a black with white socks and blaze, dam is a grey/going white now. I figure my girl will be mostly white in a few years as she is already fading her dapples and only grey on her haunchs. 
Posts: 231
   Location: Illinois | I LOVE the pix of Utah...never been, but hope to someday..BEAUTIFUL !!! and your horse is pretty cute too !! :) |