Originally written by MrTruck on 2009-08-12 7:48 PM
I've had a Horse Guard on my horse expo tour trailer for a year and it is nice, my review of Horse Guard,
http://mrtrailer.com/horseguard.htm solar powered system with the magnetic sensors on the doors, motion detector that knows with the trailer moves and can be shut off when horses on board. Comes with pager and remotes, if someone breaks in a door or moves the trailer, two sirens go off, the lights flash, the pager tells you of intruder and the trailer brakes lock up. I'll be at the
http://www.illinoishorsefest.com/ the end of the month if you want to see my install on a Logan Coach, then at the NATDA in September in Louiville and in November during the Quarter Horse World Show at the Women and Horses Expo at the Lazy E. I like to play with the remotes and make the sirens and lights go off.
Thanks for the reference...I was imagining having to peel the horse off the ceiling if the siren went off...