Originally written by Sheryl on 2009-07-04 12:45 PM
Is 200 feet too far to run my a/c for short periods? I have 12 gauge cord and a regular plug to plug into. I don't want to damage my a/c or cause any other problems. Thanks for all answers. Short answer... Yes. 200 feet of 12 gauge cord is too much distance and too little cord for your a/c unit... The long small cord reduces the voltage to the a/c unit. This low voltage creats excess heat in the motor. (if it starts at all) Each time the motor cycles, the heat degrades the winding insulation... Leading to an expensive compressor replacement. My 13500 btu Carrier unit draws about 1850 watts at full load cooling or 15.4 amps. The calculator below says the max distance for 12 gauge wire limiting voltage drop to 3% is 67 feet. Here's a reputable voltage drop calculator for you to play with. http://www.southwire.com/voltagedropcalculator.jsp For some of the info required: Select desired solution "circuit distance" phases "single" Conductor "copper" Installation "overhead" Voltage "120" Maximum voltage drop "3" Conductor size "whatever size cord you use in numbers 14 12 10 etc " Current "15.4" |