Originally written by chadsalt on 2008-09-24 6:54 AM
Originally written by genebob on 2008-09-23 10:44 PM
Chad- please explain. I've been using this controller for seven years with a he** of a lot of miles on it. Never had any problems. I guess you could say that may be because I consider myself a safe driver. But .... then again maybe not ... Who knows.
Read here,
Long story short, it has nothing to do with being a safe driver.......I know plenty of people who have hauled years without brakes and never had a "problem". The simple fact you (and others) use a timer controller puts you in my dangerous driver category. Nothing personal, I just dont want you behind me.
The basic difference between junk timer controller and proportional is; in an emergency the timer still ramps up brake power in a "normal stop" time frame.......that is no good. The proportional controllers will respond with max brake power immediately when the emergency calls for it. How would you feel if your truck took 5-10 seconds to get full braking power? The wreck would be all over by the time the brakes came on full.
Do yourself/us a favor a get a Prodigy or equiv. controller, you'll notice a difference. Ive guided many people in the "good controller" search (both on the web and the real world), never a complaint from any of them, most thank me. A Prodigy can generally be had on Ebay for around $100.