Is your LQ plugged in all the time too? If so you should not have to use your batteries you can turn them off at the selector switch. Your converter will run everything from shore power. This will keep your batteries off the charging circuit all the time and occasionally you can flip them on to ensure they are fully charged which will aid them in surviving the freezing temps. Have you checked your water levels lately? My most interesting find was what I learned about the converters installed in most RV's. The standard converter used does not maintain a battery properly. Most will supply a level of charging that will overcharge and run a battery dry in weeks. Even a trickle charger is not a good method. Believe it or not it will run a battery dry in time. A interactive charging system will sense battery condition and act accordingly in three ways. Boost (Rapid recharge), Normal and Storage in storage a good system will at intervals raise up and apply a large charge for a short time to apply a desulfation process this process clears built up sulfur from the lead plates. This site offers a neat add on product for progressive dynamics converters that do not have charge monitoring capabilities. |