.jpg) Veteran
Posts: 195
    Location: Atlanta, GA | Thanksgiving is the time of year that reminds us to to be thankful. It's ashame that we have to have a holiday to remind us. We are Blessed to live in a country that allows us to make the choices that we make everyday. It's ashame that we take everyday for granted along with the people around us. We all take the time to bash our neighbors things that they work hard for and are very proud of, because it's not what you would have got. We talk about our friends and family because their opinions are different than ours. People are really hard these days. We raise our kids not to be thankful and to expect everything to be handed to them. Our children don't know what hard work is anymore. We all say that we work hard so our children won't have to, But hard work is what made you what you are. This is what is wrong with our country, no one wants to work for anything they all want it handed to them and no one is thankful for anything. Oh Boy, This wasn't suppose to turn into this so I'll shut up. Just wanted to say Thank You to all our extended family (customers) past, present, future. And to remind everyone to say thank you to your neighbor for just being a neighbor and tell your friends thanks for still being your friend in spite of being who you are. Tell you family thanks for putting up with your sorry butt! And above all give Thanks to God for all you are Blessed with. Hope you all have a Wonderful, safe Holiday
Edited by ASJ 2008-11-26 3:50 AM
Posts: 219
  Location: Mt. Clemens, MI 48043 | Happy Thanksgiving. Reading the messages reminds me to say "Thank You" for all your advice, friendship, kindness, patience and not being judgemental when I don't know what I'm writing about (but I think I do). Enjoy, be safe, and be kind to one another. |
Posts: 5870
       Location: western PA | As we prepare to spend a day with food, friendship and laughter, we should remember why we are able to do so. Tomorrow, many fathers, mothers, wives, husbands, sons, daughters and children will be without their family members. Our prayers go to them; without their sacrifices, our ability to enjoy the day would be curtailed. We should also think about the millions of people who are having difficult times, particularly over the holiday season. Unemployment, a housing catastrophe, and even fires, have destroyed the security many people thought they would always enjoy. Neighbours, friends and even relatives are now wondering how they will cope with the future. Our electorate needs our prayers, to help guide them in a most difficult journey. Their skills, knowledge and direction are necessary for our well being. Our "good old days" are gone. Our future will be vastly different from what we have known, directed by those we have chosen to lead our new direction. We, the members of this forum, seem to have been missed by many of these unfortunate circumstances. We still have the discretionary income to purchase and maintain our non necessary hobbies. We are fortunate, and I'm asking of you the following: Please, when you go to bed tonight, pray for the safety of our troops and their families. Pray that our economic downturn will be soon resolved and people can go back to work. Tomorrow and in the future, give an extra amount to your charities of choice. Please help people who need help. They are ashamed of their circumstances and are often too proud to ask for assistance. They are not in this position because they are lazy or have failed; they are mostly victims of circumstance. Be generous during these holidays. Many people need our help. Lets not let them down. Gard |
Posts: 1351
      Location: Decatur, Texas | A'MEN, GARD And as I looked around the barn tonight after feeding everyone, I have a ton more THANKS too give! For living in a place and having the right to own and care for such great animals.
Edited by hogtownboss 2008-11-26 10:13 PM