Posts: 2615
| There is definately something going on with our hot water heater on our LQ trailer.The last two times we have camped,it is sooting up the door vents and up the wall of the trailer! The first time,we thought we had the problem located,there was a dirt dauber's nest in the line and we cleaned that out.This time,we camped in it for 5 days,and,it was not nearly as bad as the last time but,it is still happening. What's causing this,and,how do we fix it? It's scary! |
Posts: 5870
       Location: western PA | Your water heater should not be used until the burner assembly is cleaned, inspected and properly adjusted by a mechanic proficient in its usage. The sooting indicates an improper fuel /air mixture that is caused by a clogged orifice or line. It is dangerous to use any gas appliance that is not operating properly; it could produce CO and kill you. Even with the burner area being directly vented to the outside, you do not want to take any unnecessary chances. A professional servicing will give you some peace of mind, and prevent any unnecessary damage to your trailer. BOL Gard |
Posts: 2615
| Thanks.That's the way I felt when it first happened,but,you know how some "guys" are,my husband and my cousin's husband (sounds like an Arkansas story doesn't it?) thought after the line was cleaned out,it would be OK. We'll take it to our RV man and have it checked out. |
Posts: 5870
       Location: western PA | Without a "man" in the family, whom would you have to blame for these things? You are very fortunate to have two to shoulder the consequences. That's the burden men must bear. |
Posts: 2615
| I guess I see your point.But it gets pretty wearisome trying to convince somebody to DO SOMETHING when my instincts and good sense tell me it needs to be looked after by someone other than him.Who obviously doesn't know what he's doing when it came to this situation,eh? |
Posts: 5870
       Location: western PA | CRG, I was just being whimsical. Obviously your knowledge and instincts are better than "him". Stick to your guns when you think something is wrong. With your professional training, he could learn a lot from you about the consequences of disregarding a dangerous situation. Gard |
Posts: 2615
| Thanks.Then again,you know how some "guys" can be!! I told him I won't stay in the trailer until he gets something done about it.Guess that will get 'er done. |