Horse slaughter lawsuit?
Reg. Feb 2004
Posted 2008-10-16 10:04 PM (#93175)
Subject: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Location: KY

Since this is an extremely active group of folks, I would like to find out your opinions on the following:

I have been asked to explore the possibility of filing a lawsuit, requesting class status for the plaintiff(s),  asking the US/USDA to allow horse slaughter (for human and/or animal consumption) to begin.  The basis for the suit would be that the US/USDA  (and State of Illinois) took/diminished the value of the plaintiff(s) property (horses) without compensation by the closure of the slaughter plants, and thus impeded interstate and international commerce. 

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Reg. Nov 2007
Posted 2008-10-16 11:06 PM (#93180 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 714
Location: Minnesota
Rose- I left a post back on the trailer forum.
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Reg. Feb 2005
Posted 2008-10-16 11:48 PM (#93181 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 378
Location: Nebraska
Good Luck with that. But if you really wanted to win. First you would have to change public opinion outside of the horse industry. The majority is always rewriting the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. Then there is the funding by the USDA for inspections (a very small reason for the closures). You would be up against the Ill. A.G. Lisa Madigan and Assistant A.G. Mary Welsh and 1000's of pro bono lawyers. There is judicial precendents that will be citied. But all in all I'd say you have a better chance of walking on water.  

Edited by hconley 2008-10-16 11:52 PM
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Reg. Feb 2006
Posted 2008-10-17 11:24 AM (#93197 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 1871
Location: NY
I am not a lawyer so let me get it right. the people want to suit because the price of there horse drop because the slaughter house closed? do i have that right?
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2008-10-19 8:57 AM (#93232 - in reply to #93197)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 2953
Location: North Carolina

Originally written by loveduffy on 2008-10-17 2:36 AM

I am not a lawyer so let me get it right. the people want to suit because the price of there horse drop because the slaughter house closed? do i have that right?

No ... The purpose is to allow the horse owner the option of sending his property (the horse) to slaughter. 

Property rights vs gov't take-away

Capitalism vs socialism

Thinking vs emotion

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Reg. Feb 2004
Posted 2008-10-19 3:50 PM (#93239 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Location: KY

Also the regulation of horse import and export.  The current pending legislation would make it illegal to export a horse for the purpose of slaughter for human consumption.  I guess slaughter for pet food is ok.  So that would open up a whole nest of problems,  and it would not have saved Ferdinand, since he was sold to owners in Japan who wanted to breed him etc....and only later was he sent to slaughter. Unless, the people who sold him were supposed to predict the future in order to avoid criminal penalties for themselves.   Transport and slaughter can be done in a humane way.  If there were slaughter plants located  regionally, then transport for long distances would not be necessary.

And it is an issue of the right to be let alone by the government.  The govt does not allow us to send horses to slaughter.  (The last plant in IL is gone.)  So what is next?  Maybe the govt will mandate that a horse must be kept in a six foot high 5 rail vinyl fence with free access to a 12 by 12 stall.......    Perhaps the govt will tell us that we may only ride in a certain type of saddle.......and use no bridles, only hay strings.....

Yes, I have taken the reduction of freedom to the point of silliness, but the point is, once the govt starts regulating horses, where does it end?

Edited by rose 2008-10-19 3:52 PM
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Reg. Feb 2006
Posted 2008-10-20 9:26 PM (#93315 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 1871
Location: NY
ok now I got it .but if the slaughter house and transportation of horse were more human then they would be no problems. why is it that cattle are transported with out  scratch on them and horse are beaten and etc ???? 
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Reg. Jan 2004
Posted 2008-10-20 10:02 PM (#93318 - in reply to #93315)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 2828
Location: Southern New Mexico

why is it that cattle are transported with out  scratch on them and horse are beaten and etc ???? 


Aside from PETA who said they were beaten?  The way I see it is the problem is that people romanticize the horse and think of it as a "pet" not livestock.  There may be some bad shippers out there that will "beat" an animal to get it to load or move through a chute, but why would anyone believe that they would be limited to horses?  If you go to any stock yard you will see that they use cattle prods to get the cattle to move.

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Reg. Feb 2006
Posted 2008-10-22 11:32 PM (#93448 - in reply to #93318)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 1871
Location: NY
I agree that PETA is way out there, but the fact  that cow's hide is worth more then horse hide so what they( horse) looks like dose not devalue the animal. over loading the trailers. etc seems to be limed to just horses. I feel the same way about cattle . when was the last time you heared of a cattle trailer over turning??
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2008-10-23 6:10 AM (#93459 - in reply to #93448)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 420
Location: Iowa
yeah, PETA is WAY out there.  The problem with loading horses like cattle...Horses fight each other.  Plain and simple.   And yes, Cattle trucks and Hog trucks turn over.  We just had a Hog truck turnover here in Iowa not too long ago.  Driver fell asleep and hit a bridge gaurd rail, over half were killed.  4 days later another Hog truck overturned, 3 miles from where he loaded them.  Drove to close to the shoulder and it pulled him in.  Over half were killed.   Accidents happen....  We still need to do away with the Horse Slaughter ban. 
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Reg. Feb 2006
Posted 2008-10-23 9:33 AM (#93468 - in reply to #93459)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 1871
Location: NY
the accidents do happen the two you write about are driver error but most horse trailer accidents are from over loading. horse are bigger and the do fight with each other, then they(shippers) should take that in consideration when shipping I know cost of shipping is high but if horse meat over seas is so high then they could pass the cost on like every other producer dose. yes I think unwonted horse need a place to go but until they could get there safely
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2008-10-24 5:20 AM (#93519 - in reply to #93468)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 420
Location: Iowa
I agree ... They CAN find a better way.  But will they?
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Reg. Oct 2008
Posted 2008-10-24 8:11 AM (#93527 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 39
Location: Michigan

I would say that the lawsuit may just be like peeing in the wind, if you will.

But at least, it would possibley shed some light on the issue for some people and get the issue out there more.

It is such a shame that something so well intended(the slaughter ban) has turned into something really much worse than slaughter, the amount of starving horses out there is just alarming. And the sad thing is, that many times, at the sales around here, these starving horses are sold from one owner who cannot or will not feed their horses, to another. Horse prices are so low that someone who could not afford to buy horses before, now can, even many horses, but that doesnt mean they can afford to take care of them. And so, too often those horses are just in a vicious cycle of going from one owner who cannot or wont take care to another, and then back to a sale and so on, over and over. Believe me, I do not like the thought of horse slaughter, but i do think it is better than a horse starving.

We have a rescue that we purchased at a sale this year. He had been dropped off at a big auction in IN. just left, then stood in that barn for over a MONTH, hauled to Michigan, went through a sale, bought by some SOB who continued to starve him and brought back to another sale. By the time we saw him, he was so dehydrated and thin, he could barely hold up his own head. The sight of him was horrific. And we knew, no matter what, that horse was coming home with us. This is a horse that would have gone to slaughter, no doubt. He is a huge belgian gelding. He can no longer work hard, so he was just not worth to feed to someone I guess. It took us 8 months to get him looking "good". He still has a ways to go, and will never be 100%. He is our angel, our baby, and he will stay here for the rest of his life. But not enough of these horses get another chance like him. If he were not here, I would rather see a horse like this put down, than go thru what he was going through. He lived in an endless hell. He had no life left in his eyes. He was just blank, I cannot even explain to you the shape he was in. Thankfully, today, he looks good, feels good and is loved. He has a spark now, and is happy. He can even be a little nuaghty now and then.

Maybe with your lawsuit, you could show people what is going on with these horses.  Good luck!

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Reg. Feb 2006
Posted 2008-10-24 10:35 AM (#93537 - in reply to #93527)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 1871
Location: NY
a friend of my brought a rescue horse and he got real mean ( could not blame the horse ) my friend call m to help now the horse is a happy and love people again it took two years to get him to this point. some people just look the other way you should be proud that you saved this one
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Reg. Jul 2006
Posted 2008-10-26 7:21 PM (#93679 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 316
Location: Illinois
Might work if you sell your horse for $250 or less when you might have gotten upwards of $350 from the killers for something like a 16+ hand thoroughbred or quarterhorse, providing you were relatively close to one of the slaughter houses. Otherwise you'll have to sell your horse for less then that to seek compensation from the old slaughter prices previous to the end of slaughter in the USA, which is less to cover the expense of having to haul them to Canada or Mexico. Don't worry, horses are still going to slaughter. Mine never will, but that was never an option.

Right now the reason you can't sell the average trail horse for anything is because board and feed is sky rocketing and people are finding you don't have to feed things like snowmobiles, boats and motorcycles in the off season. (maybe you could include them in your lawsuit?) If fuel costs get too high, they can leave it parked in the garage. Now, if you have a proven show horse that is honestly worth $20,000 or better, the rich people are having few issues with the economy and still want to and can compete. You are losing a lot of your middle class horse people as we are finding ourselves with less spending money then we had even two years ago. As of November first my horses board will have gone up $65 each in about two and a half years. (OK they are cutting me a small break with my old guy since I buy all his grain. Can you believe Equine Senior has doubled in price in about 8 years? Ugh. He's so lucky I love him to pieces. :D ) I really need to find a home for that little bay that wasn't supposed to be mine. :-/ Ironically, I saw one of the high priced show barns in the area, the name escapes me now, they ahd an ad in the local Horses Mouth which I left in my work truck, had lowered their board presumably as they are finding themselves with not enough boarders. Funny how that works, isn't it?

In anyway, I wouldn't give PETA a goldfish as any animal you give them they will likely euthanize it. They have something like a 95% kill rate. There are people that should sue them after entrusting them to find a home for their pet during hard times only to turn around and euthanize it likely before they made it to the parking lot. Evil they are.

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Reg. May 2005
Posted 2008-10-27 5:53 AM (#93697 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1069
Location: MI.
PETA has a 95% kill rate? Could you explain a little more?
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Reg. Mar 2008
Posted 2008-10-29 9:08 PM (#93911 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 522
Location: Tucumcari NM

If you think that the government has a stranglehold on livestokk owners now, just wait until they mandate microchiping for every animal in the country.  The proposed regulations are unbelievable.  I already have to have a USDA license to breed chinchillas.  You would not believe the headaches involved in obtaining that license.  Believe it or not, I can't leave a bale of hay uncovered in my climate-controlled steel barn.  It must be stored in a covered, rodent-proof container!  Ditto with the pellets and dust bath material.  During the last USDA inspection of my facility the inspector was concerened because there were cobwebs in the corner!  I guess my chinchillas are adversely affected by cobwebs which are out of reach and out of sight of their cages.  If the proposed regulations are allowed to pass into law I will not comply.  They can come get every animal on my place.  I wonder who will feed the nation when all the small farmers are driven out of business by all the nonsense.



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Reg. Feb 2005
Posted 2008-10-29 11:00 PM (#93922 - in reply to #93911)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 378
Location: Nebraska
Marla I understand your woeful plight, being a breeder of pets or research animals. but the regulations between pets and livestock are crystal clear.
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Reg. Dec 2005
Posted 2008-10-30 6:35 AM (#93934 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 1205
Location: Danielsville Georgia
Horses nervous system much differant then a cow or pig.They get frantic and a lot of damage to themselves and each other.Plus colic.Their nerves can't take it.Have a friend that is involved in stud barns/breeding facility he called me wanting info on a Brindle colored stallion .Said very rare .Anyhow horse came to him starved and dehydrated he might die .Anyhow this horse was mentioned year before in Americas Horse(AQHA) or the Journal. I read the article.It was about the color and this very horse was mentioned .Is gentle,broke to ride etc .Someone put in a stall somewhere and left him without care for days on end.I talked to the breeder whom was very upset he ended up this way.She sold him several years earlier as a yearling.Anyway best I could tell is he's not likely to pass on Brindle color etc.More then likely was heading to another Saturday nigh sale.I think THOUSANDS are going through similar ordeals.
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Reg. May 2005
Posted 2008-10-30 6:47 AM (#93935 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1069
Location: MI.
We have lost respect for the horse. They have made tremendous sacrifices for man.
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Reg. Dec 2005
Posted 2008-10-30 7:24 AM (#93940 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 1205
Location: Danielsville Georgia
One of Gods most beautiful creatures and mans most abused.

Edited by hounddog 2008-10-30 8:04 AM
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Reg. May 2005
Posted 2008-10-30 7:31 AM (#93941 - in reply to #93940)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1069
Location: MI.

Originally written by hounddog on 2008-10-30 8:24 AM

One of Gods most beautiful creatures and mans mot abused.


Mans mot abused?



Edited by Gone 2008-10-31 12:20 PM
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Reg. Feb 2006
Posted 2008-10-31 11:39 AM (#94032 - in reply to #93941)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 1871
Location: NY
I am a feared  that if the abuse dose not stop the government will step in and take  control like they did  the walking horse ,all horse people should be a feared of this, this is what they (the controller) people are waiting for, the horse inderstey to imploded on it self then all they have to do is pick up the pieces 
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Reg. Feb 2004
Posted 2008-11-03 9:34 PM (#94197 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Location: KY

Interesting article from the Bloodhorse

Unwanted Thoroughbreds: A Challenge for Sellers

November 02 2008, Article # 13008

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With the economy struggling and the buy-back/no bid rates at Thoroughbred auctions rising, the issue of unwanted horses is a growing concern. Antony Beck, president of Gainesway Farm in Lexington, decided to try to do something about it, by sponsoring an adoption service on the Web site of The Blood-Horse's sister publication, The Horse.  

The site will allow Thoroughbred owners to list information about horses they are willing to give away free to good homes in the United States.

"It's a sad, but a very definite situation that we're facing," Beck said. "A large number of Thoroughbreds are going to be taken out of the breed one way or another, and it would be wonderful if they could go out of the racing orbit into the show horse or pleasure horse worlds. This is a way we can save a lot of lives."

Because The Horse focuses on providing equine health information for all breeds, the Thoroughbreds offered through the adoption service will be exposed to a large and diverse audience of horsemen.

Beck also would like to see auction companies advertise in equine publications outside of the Thoroughbred industry because "there is going to be a tremendous opportunity to get some really good Thoroughbred blood for very reasonable prices" in the coming months or even years.

More than 5,800 Thoroughbreds are cataloged to the Fasig-Tipton and Keeneland mixed sales in November in Central Kentucky. All but 189 of that total (including one late addition) are in the Keeneland auction.

According to Keeneland's director of sales, Geoffrey Russell, his company is taking a "wait and see" approach to the situation, but he praised Beck for seeking a solution to what could become a very big problem.

"We commend Mr. Beck for trying to find alternative markets for these Thoroughbreds (that aren't considered commercially viable), and we think it's a great idea," Russell said.

During previous Thoroughbred market downturns, people buying horses for slaughter and broodmares to join nurse mare herds shopped at the lower end of the Kentucky mixed sales. But the $1,000 minimum bid at both Keeneland and Fasig-Tipton was designed to make horses too expensive for slaughter buyers, and it also probably will shut out nurse mare owners as well.

In addition, there no longer are any horse slaughterhouses operating in this country, which makes buying horses for human consumption less financially feasible.

"What happens to the mares that don't get sold is something that we are going to have to address," said Mill Ridge Farm's Bayne Welker, who is the president and chairman of the Consignors and Commercial Breeders Association.

"My guess is that some of these horses will get pushed off into regional markets where there are good state-bred programs and people can get some breeders' bonuses if those mares can produce good runners. I can tell you the issue has been discussed with Geoffrey and Chauncey Morris at Keeneland, and I've brought up the idea that maybe we could do package deals for emerging markets with some of these mares that don't get sold, so we can make sure that they get homes."

Because of overproduction in the Thoroughbred commercial breeding industry, "the market won't take care of every horse," said Kitty Taylor of Warrendale Sales. "People have to have a plan B. They have to be willing to say, 'OK, this mare is coming out of production, and I'm either going to find a good home for her or she's going to live in my back field, or I'm going to donate her to the University of Kentucky or whomever (for research).

"Everybody is really going to have to start thinking about what they are going to do. It's very sad for me as a person who loves horses and loves animals, but I would advise a client with an older horse, if they can't care for that animal anymore, to euthanize it. Don't let it go down a route in life that is going to be distressful or damaging or a bad way to live, because once you let them out of your control, that's what can happen."

The Humane Society of the United States recommends humane euthanasia performed by a veterinarian as an alternative to slaughter, and some equine veterinary practices are offering low cost euthanasia clinics. In a recent survey conducted by, 89.1% of the readers who responded said low cost-euthanasia clinics should be widely available.

"If there are as many horses not sold as we fear there might be, there needs to be some serious discussion about what to do next," said Dan Kenny of Four Star Sales. "The solutions run the range from rehab farms that are supported by the industry all the way to euthanasia. When you have to take horses back (after they fail to sell), you do the best you can to get them placed somewhere else, which is fine if you're dealing with a handful, but I think we are going to be dealing with significant numbers."

John Stuart of Bluegrass Thoroughbred Services believes only a limited number of the lowest-priced sale Thoroughbreds will find new homes with people involved in other areas of the equine industry.

"The sport horse people want a special kind of horse," he said. "They want something that has the looks, the soundness, and the temperament they like, and they buy those horses, which are really nice ones, for good money privately off the racetracks long before they would ever hit the sale ring.

"If you just want a horse to ride, there are all kinds you can get for free. I fox hunt, and every day on my e-mail, there are messages about horses that I could have if I would just go and pick them up."

(Originally published at  

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Reg. Jan 2004
Posted 2008-11-03 10:18 PM (#94199 - in reply to #94197)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 2828
Location: Southern New Mexico

"It's a sad, but a very definite situation that we're facing," Beck said. "A large number of Thoroughbreds are going to be taken out of the breed one way or another, and it would be wonderful if they could go out of the racing orbit into the show horse or pleasure horse worlds. This is a way we can save a lot of lives."



Great idea, but now they will be competing for homes with the horses that are already in the show horse or pleasure horse worlds and displacing those so it really won't save lives.




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Reg. Feb 2006
Posted 2008-11-03 10:59 PM (#94203 - in reply to #94199)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 1871
Location: NY
some of the trouble is that the breeds breed so many horse and may be one or two will make it as a race horse and the others are thought aways
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Reg. Feb 2005
Posted 2008-11-04 8:32 AM (#94227 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 219
Location: Mt. Clemens, MI 48043

The lawsuit would cover many states since many people are in the same boat. I myself would make a video(s) of people and their horses.  It might be long but it would not be boring.  It would show the good, bad, ugly.  It would be approached from the vets view, the owners view, the racehorse owner, slaughterhouse workers and others.  How things are done and how things need to be done.  Their opinions - their lives - their futures.  I would try to make this available on different channels, radio programs, websites, Rose your going to have to step up to challenges of today and tomorrow.  I would challenge the Congress/Senate/PETA/ and others who write and vote. I would hope the horse community would be behind me knowing that what I do affects all equine.  Sometimes money doesn't buy everything - just making your appearance does.  Slaughterhouses are not nice places but life is not always nice - better than starving.  Good Luck! 

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Reg. May 2005
Posted 2008-11-04 1:15 PM (#94250 - in reply to #94227)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1069
Location: MI.
Originally written by Frankie001% on 2008-11-04 9:32 AM

The lawsuit would cover many states since many people are in the same boat. I myself would make a video(s) of people and their horses.  It might be long but it would not be boring.  It would show the good, bad, ugly.  It would be approached from the vets view, the owners view, the racehorse owner, slaughterhouse workers and others.  How things are done and how things need to be done.  Their opinions - their lives - their futures.  I would try to make this available on different channels, radio programs, websites, Rose your going to have to step up to challenges of today and tomorrow.  I would challenge the Congress/Senate/PETA/ and others who write and vote. I would hope the horse community would be behind me knowing that what I do affects all equine.  Sometimes money doesn't buy everything - just making your appearance does.  Slaughterhouses are not nice places but life is not always nice - better than starving.  Good Luck! 


That documentary would be interesting. It would be of benefit to show all sides like you stated.

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Reg. Jul 2006
Posted 2008-11-08 9:36 AM (#94508 - in reply to #93697)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 316
Location: Illinois
All photos on this page appear courtesy of Cal Bryant, Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald (Ahoskie NC).

OK, the current figures are a higher percent.

What a lot of people don't get about PETA is that their ultimate goal is that no one owns an animal PERIOD If they have to kill them rather then rehome them gets them closer to that goal.

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Reg. Jan 2004
Posted 2008-11-08 12:21 PM (#94518 - in reply to #94508)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 2828
Location: Southern New Mexico

If someone handed my 7yr old a booklet like that I'd sue their butts off for tramatizing her!  Good Lord, they are more concerned with fur coats than a childs mental state.

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Reg. Aug 2008
Posted 2008-11-08 1:56 PM (#94523 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 681
Location: Corpus Christi, Texas
Well, that pretty effectively changes my outlook on PETA..I don't gt that "I don't want you to have it, so no one can have it" outlook.. Especially when there are thousands of animal lives and souls at stake (yes, I think animals have souls... I don't think humans are the only ones priveledged to have a thinking and emotion center.) .
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Reg. Feb 2006
Posted 2008-11-08 11:05 PM (#94556 - in reply to #94523)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 1871
Location: NY
P.E.T.A  is one of the group that is way out there. shock is what they go for. I also believe that animal go to heaven  
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Reg. Feb 2004
Posted 2008-11-09 7:37 PM (#94588 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Location: KY

I, too, believe animals go to heaven.

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Reg. Feb 2005
Posted 2008-11-10 8:10 AM (#94604 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 219
Location: Mt. Clemens, MI 48043

PETA stinks but we still have to deal with them.  Who regulates them?  I might have missed something in the reading.  Who is above them?  Why don't they pull their reins back? 

Animals do go to heaven.  The Littlest Angle book has Butterflys in it.  I am sure there are all creatures great and small in heaven. 

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Reg. May 2005
Posted 2008-11-10 8:28 AM (#94605 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1069
Location: MI.

Edited by Gone 2008-11-10 8:32 AM
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Reg. Jan 2004
Posted 2008-11-10 4:57 PM (#94643 - in reply to #94605)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 2828
Location: Southern New Mexico
I'll have to memorize Genisis 9:1-3 for the next time someone starts in.
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Reg. Feb 2004
Posted 2008-11-10 8:15 PM (#94657 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Location: KY

The only regulation of PETA is the IRS as to non-profit status, and of course the criminal laws if any of their members are caught committing a crime, such as vandalism of a lab et cetera.

As to Biblical bases (plural of basis) for whatever, remember in the Old Testament, men were allowed multiple wives.  The feds got after the Mormons in the late 1940's and seized a bunch of children (just like Texas did a little while ago) and then did not have the resources to care for the children.  Besides what version of the Bible were those quotes from?  King James (a widely discredited translation), the Scoffield reference Bible, the Revised Standard version, or the Good News version of the New Testament....or some other version?

As for me, I believe in the right to be let alone.  If I choose to eat meat, even horsemeat, it is my business and none of the government's beyond the inspection of foodstuffs in commerce.  PETA and groups like them want to impose their views and ways on everyone.  Why?

Edited by rose 2008-11-10 8:28 PM
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Reg. Jul 2006
Posted 2008-11-15 10:19 PM (#94957 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

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Posts: 316
Location: Illinois
Yeah, PETA people are a bunch of real winners aren't they. Yet they manage to con high profile actors into being spokesmen for them all the time, though you have to wonder who is paying who there? Sad either way really, but with sites like PETA Kills Animals, you have to hope people will finally learn what some of us learned a long time ago and put them out of business for once and for all by the simple act of not sending them money! It really is that simple, don't send them money. If you really want to help animals pick local shelters and rescues to support, the money will be that much better spent. Heck I even sent a few bucks to that Bitter Root humane that is taking care of those horribly abused horses in Montana. As I am far from rich I'm pretty select on who I send money to, but that was definitely a worthy cause. I'm just disappointed that the Montana Rider hasn't made their last update on line without subscribing. Ya know, I'm interested in the case, but don't have any real reason to subscribe to something that I don't need to. I think they are doing Bitter Root Humane a disservice by doing so as well.

Back to PETA: If you read about the whole North Carolina case, you will be disappointed to learn that the people prosecuted got no more then a slap on the wrist and were only found guilty with littering. The financial part to be paid by PETA no doubt. My God what kind of people are living in North Carolina these days? Anyway, looking at pictures of the people involved, I see a jerk and a woman who was looking to belong, the woman who so coldy killed those adoptable animals with little thought, likely was a big animal lover as a child, but has been brainwashed by Ingrid to believe that euthanizing those animals was in their best interests. Why do I say this? Because of the comments of feeding the dogs a special treat before euthanizing them. In a sense though, that makes her actions that much MORE evil then less. Brainwashed or not, doesn't matter if you love companion animals you don't kill them without a damn good reason.

Not particularly religious myself, but I do get some pleasure reminding people Jesus made water into wine and not the other way around.

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Reg. Feb 2004
Posted 2008-11-24 7:15 PM (#95308 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Location: KY

Yup Yvette, I do too!  Looks like the horse market is going to continue to be horrible.  Thorobred owners are being encouraged to "give away" their horses that do not sell at the annual auctions.  Wonder how many horses will starve to death this winter........rotten economy is not going to help surplus of horses.  BLM is planning to start euthanizing unadoptable mustangs....guess the cost is not a problem for the BLM.  Also read that some folks are advocating for low or no cost euthanasia clinics/procedures for unwanted/excess horses.  Sure seems a shame since horsemeat is one thing we could export....and it would create some jobs......

Guess the PETA people were all born rich.


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Reg. Jun 2005
Posted 2008-11-24 9:52 PM (#95315 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 690
Location: missouri
I think that ALL of us should take a tour through a slaughter plant (they still slaughter cows and pigs..) and see it first hand. Then you can make an informed decision about where you stand when it comes to companion animals... of course, since President Bush is leasing BLM/conservation land behind our backs to drill oil on next month... he will have to do something about those damned wild horses, won't he?? what happens when they decide there are too many stupid people taking up space and food???(does anyone remember soilent green??)-a movie in the 70's. It was a sci-fi film that exposed a governments use of old and infirm people who could no longer work and take care of themselves... so they were grounded up into a vitamin like pill for nutrition for the rest of the population. Pretty scary stuff,huh? slaughter is a pretty touchy subject for many.
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Reg. Jan 2004
Posted 2008-11-24 9:58 PM (#95316 - in reply to #95315)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 2828
Location: Southern New Mexico

I've been to a slaughter plant and as much as I don't like it, I think it is a better option than a slow starvation that many unwanted animals face.  (or even the wanted animals owned by people who can no longer afford them but can't find a buyer for them)


Touchy subject or not I think all the people who were clambering to close the slaughter plants down should now step up and help take care of all the animals that now have no where to go.

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Reg. Feb 2005
Posted 2008-11-24 11:55 PM (#95318 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 378
Location: Nebraska
There is without a doubt to many unwanted horses. And economic times are getting tougher. Options for the unwanted horse is limited. Only the horse industry (any equine related business or owner) "united" is going to solve the problem. Resposibility to take on a lifetime commitment for horse ownership and for breeders to ensure a long term home for each foal should be mandatory for anyone in the horse industry. Maybe "we" as an industry should loosen up the purse strings and show some goodwill to help resolve this issue of to many horses. Some time in the near future there will be to many carcasses, threatening our environment if not disposed of properly There will not be any government bailouts so "we" as an industry must resolve these issues ourselves by getting involed some way to help out either locally, regionally, or nationally
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Reg. Dec 2005
Posted 2008-11-25 5:00 AM (#95320 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 1205
Location: Danielsville Georgia
I was reading the BLOGS and this millionaire lady that has stepped up to take care of the thousands of unwanted BLM horses .Everyone including the news media and HER call them MUSTANGS and part of our heritage .They are FERAL horses .Mustang DNA is very rare and only in isolated areas. The REST of these animals got their roots in a previous economic crash. The Oklahoma Dust Bowl and The Great Depression .How misinforming the information is .The BLM knows this as they have been adding some better bloodied horses to the open range to try to increase adoptions over the last several decades.
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Reg. Feb 2005
Posted 2008-11-25 9:07 AM (#95329 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 378
Location: Nebraska
If anyone really does want to get involved go to Amercian Horse Council web site particapate in their survey and and be heard. Here is the address
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Reg. Jun 2006
Posted 2008-11-25 11:00 AM (#95337 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Location: Central Arkansas

I was talking to a fellow that runs a sale barn here in central Arkansas. He said there were over 5000 horses being feedlotted up in MT,WY and SD waiting on the Canadian killer plants to open back up after the first of the year. The Mexican plants are also closed due to Belguim and France owing the Mexican government for horsemeat they have already taken delivery of and not paid for.

I, for one, HATE the thought of any horse (other than dangerous rogues) going to slaughter. But, I understand that it does have it's purpose.  If I get to the point that I can not take care of my horses any longer, and can not place them in good  solid homes, I will  do the right thing and just euthanize them. That way they would never go hungry, be in pain, be abused or eaten by anyone. Before y'all all get up in arms about it, these would probably be old, used up , and unadoptable. I just don't believe in letting  animals suffer.

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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2008-11-27 5:29 AM (#95423 - in reply to #95329)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 420
Location: Iowa

Originally written by hconley on 2008-11-25 9:07 AM

If anyone really does want to get involved go to Amercian Horse Council web site particapate in their survey and and be heard. Here is the address

Take the survey?  I tried, I'm an owner & a Breeder.  They said I didn't qualify to take the survey.  If I don't then who does?

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Reg. Dec 2005
Posted 2008-11-27 6:14 AM (#95424 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 1205
Location: Danielsville Georgia
I took it day before today. No problem other then its a LONG one to me anyway .Seemed to require nothing to take it .What exactly did you encounter that stopped you?
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2008-11-27 7:41 AM (#95425 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 420
Location: Iowa

At the beginning, it said to check off who you are, so I checked off horse owner and the other was horse breeder.  Another page opened and said"  SORRY YOU DO NOT QAUILFY TO PARTICIPATE"   or sometrhing like that.

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Reg. Dec 2005
Posted 2008-11-27 8:04 AM (#95426 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 1205
Location: Danielsville Georgia
I click the same criteria.
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Reg. May 2005
Posted 2008-11-27 8:36 AM (#95427 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1069
Location: MI.
Is anything truely positive going to come of this survey?

Edited by Gone 2008-11-27 8:37 AM
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Reg. Dec 2005
Posted 2008-11-27 9:05 AM (#95429 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 1205
Location: Danielsville Georgia
Who knows! Wonder how to find out?
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Reg. Jan 2004
Posted 2008-11-27 3:13 PM (#95435 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 2828
Location: Southern New Mexico

I clicked on horse owner and it said I didn't qualify for the survey so I went back and clicked on the "not affiliated with horses or the horse industry" it said I didn't qualify so I kept going down the list.  All but the top two let me on to the survey.  I guess they only want "professionals" to answer their questions. 

It also told me my answer was to long on one of the "other" responses.  I don't think it made much sense after I shortened it.

Edited by Terri 2008-11-27 3:24 PM
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Reg. Feb 2004
Posted 2008-11-27 9:29 PM (#95439 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Location: KY
After I read Terri's post I went to the site out of curiousity.  Don't understand the criteria for being allowed to take the survey, but it seemed to me that the survey is slanted towards advocating for legislation to control ownership/breeding of horses.....yuck....however, it did allow an option for re-opening the US slaughter plants. 
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Reg. Feb 2005
Posted 2008-11-27 10:01 PM (#95441 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 378
Location: Nebraska
To find out about the survey you need to talk to Julila Andersen (202)296-4031. She is the AHC staff member on the unwanted horse coalition. President of the AHC is James Hickey Jr. If you can't get any answers there go to the AHC web site click on "board of trustees" and call any one of these people and you should get helped. Most of the board of trustee members are members of other associations ; ie AQHA, USEF, jockey club, breeders and racing, AAEP and others. So call Julila and talk to her first. If you think this is about legislation toward control of owner/ breeding I would advise you call you association, as a member you should "pitch a bitch" against anything of that nature.

Edited by hconley 2008-11-27 10:18 PM
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Reg. May 2005
Posted 2008-11-28 5:53 AM (#95442 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1069
Location: MI.
Control no! Education, education, education. Now, how do you get certain people to pay attention?

Edited by Gone 2008-11-28 5:54 AM
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Reg. Feb 2005
Posted 2008-11-29 9:58 PM (#95482 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 219
Location: Mt. Clemens, MI 48043
Did the survey did not have any problems with the questions. Its kind of long. Would like to see the results of it when finally completed. To me if you own/breed/train/or anything else with a horse you should be able to take the survey.
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Reg. Feb 2005
Posted 2008-11-30 1:23 AM (#95485 - in reply to #95442)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 378
Location: Nebraska
When you say education, Who exactly are you going to educate?  What are you going to teach them? The AQHA is going to lower their breeding and registration fees. That's great if you want to breed and registar horses, but how will that help add value to or market horses in a flooded market. That's like fanny or freddie giving out $250,000 home loans with an $18,000 income. The outcome will get ugly. The horse industry revolves around unwanted horses.But as an industry we have to regulate these unwanted horses. not reward and provide incentives to owners and breeders. If you're thinking about teaching owners and breeders about horses you'd be wasting your breath. Most already know all about horses. What they don't know, their neighbor does. The horse industry has already given the loaded gun to the do gooders and they have shot us in the foot with it by closing down the packing houses. We can not let them put the next bullet in our head.
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2008-11-30 7:01 AM (#95489 - in reply to #95485)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 420
Location: Iowa
AQHA is going to lower their breeding and registration fees?????    Just curious, but where did you get that information from?   Im a Life Member.  This is the first I heard of this.
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Reg. May 2005
Posted 2008-11-30 10:01 AM (#95500 - in reply to #93175)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1069
Location: MI.
I guess you can't teach common sense. What was I thinking? If slaughter houses were to become legal again, do you think it would slow down irresponsible breeders/owners? I think it would be used as a crutch and not a just place for the old, sick, dangerous horses.

Edited by Gone 2008-11-30 10:03 AM
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Reg. Feb 2006
Posted 2008-11-30 10:11 PM (#95525 - in reply to #95500)
Subject: RE: Horse slaughter lawsuit?


Posts: 1871
Location: NY
GONE is right about slaughter house being a crutch but I would like to see if the unwanted horse have to go then slaughter them humanly and take the meat and help feed the homeless and other needing people that way (to me) the horse did not die in vain but to help for the last time
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