Over 800 working trucks listed

Several years ago horse trailer dealers asked if they could list trucks with us.  I had no idea how this smaller segment of trucking would take off.  We currently have over 800 trucks listed on Horse Trailer World.  And they are also listed on Barrel Horse World with over 50,000 visits a day.   And now those same truck listings are reaching a broader market than just horse owners on a new site called www.WorkingTruckWorld.com

Did you know.  If you are a Horse Trailer World Premier Dealer, you can already list your trucks as part of your monthly package.  No extra charge.  If you don’t have anything to do with horses but you have a lot of trucks to move, list them all right here to reach a $38 billion dollar industry.  You get the same rate $100/mo.  Unlimited number of trucks.

But what if you’re just a guy with a truck for sale?   Nationwide coverage on three of the largest horse websites on the internet for two months.  $25. Good luck selling.

Drop Down Windows Buttside

You can now seach for trailers with insulated roofs and drop down windows on the buttside!    A lot of buyers are looking for more air flow in their trailers after another hot summer so we added two more search criteria to Horse Trailer World.