Posted 2005-04-29 9:27 AM (#24475) Subject: Please educate me about windows
Posts: 140 Location: Colorado
Good morning!
My trailer windows are leaking. They were installed by the previous owner, I suspect faulty installation so they need to come out. They are drop downs (picture attached). There is a lot of caulking around them, no finish trim inside or out. Looking at a window supply site, I see screw covers, glazing bead, top seal, bottom vent seal... What do I need to re-install the existing windows properly so they look finished and don't leak??
Posted 2005-04-30 1:23 PM (#24533 - in reply to #24475) Subject: RE: Please educate me about windows
Posts: 39 Location: Covington, Louisiana
The most likely reason your window is leaking is because the seal between the window frame and the trailer side has broken down. You can keep applying caulk externally but that usually doesn't work too well.
The best way to repair it is to remove the window and apply new putty tape between the frame and trailer side. You will have to remove the window which will require drilling out the rivets holding the window on. When you remove the window it is best if you have a helper to hold the window and help remove it. They are heavier than they look and are akward to manage. (Learned the hard way.)
After the window is out thoroughly remove all of the old putty tape, sealer and caulk from the back of the frame and the trailer side. Apply new putty tape to the back of the frame. Incidentially, put the joint where the two ends of the tape meet along the bottom of the window. Don't over lap the joint but be sure the ends butt together. You want one layer of tape continously around the frame. I've put a link below to Dyers RV supply where you can get putty tape online but you should be able to get it at a local RV supply house or possibly a glass company that does a lot of auto and truck work.
Carefully insert the window into the opening in the trailer side. This is the tricky part. Hopefully, your helper hasn't wandered off somewhere. You don't want to slide the window around any more than is absolutely necessary to avoid wrinkles, breaks or gaps in the tape. This is tricky because you have to line up the rivet holes in the frame with those in the trailer wall. The way I finally did it was to cut 4 pieces of thin wire about six inches long out of some old coat hangers. I put a wire through corner holes in the frame then used those to line up with the holes in the trailer wall.
Reinstall all of the pop rivets and you should be dry and good to go. Good luck and have fun.