Posted 2014-01-06 4:05 PM (#156717) Subject: Hi I am new, and I need some help with making over my trailer
New User
Posts: 2
I have an OLD 1978 two horse straight load trailer. I want to finish the dressing room. We insulated the ceiling last year with self adhesive insulation used for airplanes. I want to put a ceiling up, but I am not sure what the best material is for this. I have found some pictures on line but most were people who had used wainscoting which is out of my budget. Looks lovely, but I can't afford it.Also, it has a wood floor in it, just like the horse compartment. My idea is to put rubber mats down, and then follow that with the new glue-less ( flop and drop)linoleum flooring. Has anyone done anything over their wood flooring? It had carpet previously but it kept getting wet and gross.And then there is this question...the walls are currently steel, lined with 3/4" ply wood for strength both in the dressing room and in the horse area. Cam I remove that( in the dressing room) and just insulate there, or will that damage the strength and integrity of the trailer?I am going to attempt to attach a picture of the nose/ceiling. Thanks in advance for the suggestions!
Posted 2014-01-06 4:25 PM (#156718 - in reply to #156717) Subject: RE: Hi I am new, and I need some help with making over my trailer
New User
Posts: 2
I got bubble wrap insulation for the nose so that it will be easier to bend around the curve. I want to insulate that area too. Please don't mind the mess...It got cold before I cleaned it out from show season.
Posted 2014-01-15 1:46 PM (#156943 - in reply to #156717) Subject: RE: Hi I am new, and I need some help with making over my trailer
Posts: 5
Location: Acton, CA
Try this website: He gives you everything you need to convert your trailer. You can also contact him it you have questions.
I am currently converting my trailer and am using 4x8 sheets of foam insulation from Lowes or Home Depot and used house wrap tape to hold it place. I plan on using a PVC material that comes in 4x8 sheets from the same stores. It is washable and with a little heat will bend with the curves of the roof.
If you email me, I will send you pixs as I progress.
Another source of items you might want to use is Ebay. I found a DVD available with step by step instructions on how they converted their trailer. It has been a great help. I bought everything I need for the electrical both 12v and 110 so that I have lights and can use my mircowave etc.
Posted 2014-01-22 4:27 PM (#157115 - in reply to #156979) Subject: RE: Hi I am new, and I need some help with making over my trailer
Posts: 5
Location: Acton, CA
If you go to and search for wall panel. You will find several different types of panels that can be used on the ceiling of the trailer. They also have a lot of products that will be helpful in the mouldings to use on the edge to finish your look.
Good Luck. Let me know if you need any other help.