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Flex fuel

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Last activity 2013-07-31 11:02 PM
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Reg. Feb 2011
Posted 2013-07-30 1:01 PM (#153675)
Subject: Flex fuel


Posts: 96
Location: Grapeland, Texas
We bought a new flex fuel Ford pickup, 1 ton.  There is no E85 fuel in this area but we were in Waco this weekend and saw some there.  It was almost $1.00 cheaper than gas.  My question is has anyone used it and what do they think about it.  I have read some stuff about it, but they always print what they want you know.  We probably won't ever use it unless we just had to some where on a trip.  How do trucks run on it, empty and loaded??  Does it do anything to your engine once you use it and then go back to gas.  My husband said he had heard there were problems if you did that.  When I saw that fuel in Waco it just got me to wondering.....
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Reg. Sep 2008
Posted 2013-07-30 3:56 PM (#153682 - in reply to #153675)
Subject: RE: Flex fuel


Posts: 1351
Location: Decatur, Texas
If your truck is a flex fuel vehicle you can use either regular unleaded gas or the E85 fuel in it and switch back an forth. If you have a truck that is not a flex fuel and you use the E85 you will have problems!

The newer vehicle with flex fuel have the correct fuel lines and equipment to be able to run the ethanol fuel.

I have no clue about performance with the E85, I only drive diesels to haul with.

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Reg. Aug 2007
Posted 2013-07-30 4:14 PM (#153684 - in reply to #153675)
Subject: RE: Flex fuel


Posts: 5870
Location: western PA
As was stated, you can use either fuel. With vehicles that are not flex fuel designed, the various rubber and aluminum parts of the fuel system can be damaged by using the 85 fuel. Older cars, small engines and some outboards can be damaged by the usage of the 90 fuel. Your only choice is to purchase non ethanol fuel or purchase a fuel supplement that will reduce the damaging affects of the ethanol.
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Spin Doctor
Reg. Nov 2008
Posted 2013-07-30 5:27 PM (#153685 - in reply to #153675)
Subject: RE: Flex fuel

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 402
Location: Valentine, NE
Yep, ran some thru both my 11 and 13 Fords. Mileage about 10-15% less, power showed about the same drop.

If wind, hills or stop/go driving scheduled, use gas, otherwise E85 if it available.

Seemed to run just fine.
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Reg. Aug 2007
Posted 2013-07-31 11:02 PM (#153721 - in reply to #153675)
Subject: RE: Flex fuel


Posts: 5870
Location: western PA
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