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Portable fence charger

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Last activity 2013-07-30 1:14 PM
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Reg. Feb 2007
Posted 2013-07-28 12:09 PM (#153619)
Subject: Portable fence charger


Posts: 243
Location: Maine
Not sure if this is right forum to post this question... So many of you helped me with other questions regarding my first big adventure with my new LQ trailer. I had a great time! Thank you! Now, for the next adventure. At the last place there was a run in and paddock for my horses. This time, I am going to have to put up a small enclosure for them. I have the step in poles and the electric fencing (the rope style). But I will need some kind of charger. There is no electric hook up where I am going so was thinking a small, inexpensive battery operated charger. Would I be better off with a solar charger?
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Painted Horse
Reg. May 2005
Posted 2013-07-28 1:37 PM (#153621 - in reply to #153619)
Subject: RE: Portable fence charger


Posts: 2453
Location: Northern Utah

The battery operated chargers work fine.  You can usually get 2-4 weeks out of a set of "D" batteries. I pack one of these in on many of my pack trips.   No need for a solar charger, They only work when the sun is out or you need to pack a battery pack with them. So just go with the battery unit.

Check out your camp area.  If deer, elk, moose are common, They have not been taught to respect electric fences and I've had them drag my fence off through the woods when wandering thru my camp at night. Nothing gets your horses spooked, like having a strange animal wander into camp and then getting a hot wire across their butt because a crazy moose got the wire tangled around his antlers and is dragging the hole set up across the meadow.


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Reg. Feb 2007
Posted 2013-07-28 2:03 PM (#153622 - in reply to #153619)
Subject: RE: Portable fence charger


Posts: 243
Location: Maine
Thanks for the info! Yes, my horses are actually quite use to deer and moose, as I live in rural ME - but I would hate for something take down their fence in unfamiliar place. I found a charger on ebay. Something like this should do the trick?? http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-D-Cell-Battery-Energizer-Charger-Electric...
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2013-07-28 3:44 PM (#153626 - in reply to #153619)
Subject: RE: Portable fence charger


Posts: 2958
Location: North Carolina

I use a solar charger.  I store it on the work bench facing a window.  This keeps it charged but not over charged.  It has worked well in overcast conditions for a week at a time. 

It's meant to be mounted on a tee post but, I set it on a bucket with a wire to the fence tape.  I use a cork screw type dog tie as a ground rod.  I used to drive a rod but found it a pain to pull out.  With the cork screw, simply twist in ... twist out. 

I bought it at Tractor Supply Co.  They will have them on sale for $99 .

Here's a link http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store/zarebareg%3B-5-mile-solar-fence-charger

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CYA Ranch
Reg. Feb 2009
Posted 2013-07-29 8:28 AM (#153631 - in reply to #153619)
Subject: RE: Portable fence charger


Posts: 47
Location: South Dakota
I use a Zareba solar charger. It gives plenty of zap and you don't have to worry about batteries being weak. Also make sure you have a good ground.
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Reg. Feb 2007
Posted 2013-07-29 8:30 AM (#153632 - in reply to #153619)
Subject: RE: Portable fence charger


Posts: 243
Location: Maine
I was going to ask about the grounding -- if I do go with one of these battery charged ones (and will bring a solar for a back up, but I think I am going to be in a wooded area) - do I still need to ground it? Yeah, probably a dumb question, but one that I need to ask!
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Reg. May 2013
Posted 2013-07-29 8:53 AM (#153633 - in reply to #153632)
Subject: RE: Portable fence charger


Posts: 203
Location: Lander WY
Yes you will need to ground the charger- FYI if the earth is extremely dry you may have a very weak ground (weak shock).
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CYA Ranch
Reg. Feb 2009
Posted 2013-07-29 3:14 PM (#153640 - in reply to #153619)
Subject: RE: Portable fence charger


Posts: 47
Location: South Dakota
It doesn't matter if your in a wooded area. When you buy the solar charger you set it in the sun for a certain amount of hours (read the directions) It will hold a charge night/day/woods/sunshine. It has a solar charged internal battery. You have to ground no matter what.
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Reg. Apr 2012
Posted 2013-07-29 10:42 PM (#153660 - in reply to #153619)
Subject: RE: Portable fence charger


Posts: 79
Location: Alberta Canada
I use a Gallagher S-17 solar fencer, made for horse use, it charges all day and works day and nite from a built in battery.  Use a4 ft piece of 1 inch galvanized rod as a ground rod as galvanized will not rust and therefore better ground contact. I weld a T onto mine about a foot from top so gives me leverage to turn and pull up to  remove from ground. If ground is too dry, pound in rod, remove , pour a cup of water into hole and put rod back in.. good ground then.  I use fiberglass step in posts and one inch wide equine tape for wire available from Gallagher.  I made a small 'hammer' by taking a piece of 10 inch long heavy wall 2.5 inch pipe, welded a cap on one end and use as a slide hammer for the ground rod and sometimes the fiberglass posts. This set up works well for us and can built a pen sometimes as big as 100x200 ft. for two horses. Gallagher solar charges are about $150.00  and have had mine for about 5 years with no issues.
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Reg. Feb 2011
Posted 2013-07-30 1:14 PM (#153676 - in reply to #153619)
Subject: RE: Portable fence charger


Posts: 96
Location: Grapeland, Texas
We use a Yellow Jacket, I believe that's what it is called.  Yellow with a black top, uses 4 D-cell batteries.  It works great for our mules.  I bought one of those reel things for electric cords and have the tape wound up on that.  Sure makes it easy to put up and take down the pen.
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