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stainless steel

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Last activity 2013-08-03 2:16 AM
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Reg. Jul 2013
Posted 2013-07-15 7:44 PM (#153369)
Subject: stainless steel

New User

Posts: 3

Location: michigan
I have an older stainless steel trailer that the clearcoating is coming off from. Does anyone know how to repair this or peel off the rest so it matches? Is there any way to paint stainless steel?
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Reg. Jan 2007
Posted 2013-07-16 12:02 AM (#153372 - in reply to #153369)
Subject: RE: stainless steel


Posts: 3853
Location: Vermont
People tried to paint their Delorians...with mixed results...:( Stainless requires the proper preparation...

Edited by PaulChristenson 2013-07-16 12:03 AM
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Reg. Aug 2007
Posted 2013-07-16 10:00 AM (#153380 - in reply to #153369)
Subject: RE: stainless steel


Posts: 5870
Location: western PA

Your trailer's finish is difficult to repair. If it is peeling, it first has to be completely removed before any repairs can be initiated. This will involve chemical strippers used in the automotive and aircraft industries. It's messy and time consuming. As Paul stated, when the original finish is removed, the stainless has to be fastidiously prepared before any additional coatings are applied.

The bare stainless surface has to be totally cleaned and degreased using products such as Prepsol or acetone. Because the stainless has a very smooth surface, it has to be abraded before most products can adhere to its surface. It can be acid etched, lightly sanded or abraded using non woven abrasive pads. Removing just the affected finish on specific panels, will allow you to repair only the problem areas without involving the whole trailer. If the other finish is in good shape, it can be resprayed with an over spray to better match your newly repaired panel (s).

Usually an epoxy primer is applied to promote proper adhesion of the final paint. With a clear coating, this is not possible. However, using only an automotive clear coating as a singular coating, a high gloss finish can be applied.

A few years ago I helped a friend build a LQ. When we were done, he commented that the stainless nose piece on his older Exess was dull and dingy; not befitting of the improvements he had added to his trailer. The stainless sheet was well pitted, weather worn and dulled. It was originally a polished finish, and not clear coated. Using coarse Scotchbrite pads on my random orbit sanders, the entire surface was buffed until a more universal and cleaned finish was obtained. Deep pits were burnished with various steel tools. The area was then flushed with three applications of acetone, using clean rags with each new cleaning.

The panel was masked off and I sprayed three automotive clear coatings. The result was a very high gloss finish, albeit with some small pits upon close inspection. It's final finish was not polished as is commonly done with automotive applications. It is now very easy to clean of suicidal bugs, and if necessary, could be handily repaired. The owner is quite pleased with its lasting visual improvement.

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Reg. Aug 2013
Posted 2013-08-03 2:16 AM (#153787 - in reply to #153369)
Subject: Re

New User

Posts: 1

Stainless steel does not readily corrode, rust or stain with water as ordinary steel does, but despite the name it is not fully stain-proof, most notably under low oxygen, high salinity, or poor circulation environments. It is also called corrosion-resistant steel or CRES when the alloy type and grade are not detailed, particularly in the aviation industry.
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