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Removing wooden window valance

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Last activity 2012-09-04 1:49 PM
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Reg. May 2008
Posted 2012-09-02 9:11 AM (#146757)
Subject: Removing wooden window valance


Posts: 60
Location: Missouri
We have a 2004 4 Star w/Showtime LQ. Solid oak cabinets, trim, etc. All the windows have oak valances. I need to remove the valance and mini blind at the galley window, but I can not for the life me figure out how either is attached! There isn't room from above or below to see how they are fastened (I can't see around the "corner"). I am hoping that someone has been through this and can give me a clue. On the other windows, there appears to be a round plate with an allen wrench type head, but the mini blind obscures this plate at the galley window. I think I have to remove the mini blind first, but I can't find any thing that seems to "give" at the blind attachment.Hoping that someone with a clue will chime in. Thanks
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Reg. Jun 2007
Posted 2012-09-02 4:10 PM (#146766 - in reply to #146757)
Subject: RE: Removing wooden window valance


Posts: 140
Location: NM
Have you felt along the top edge closest to the window? I've had valances w/a little metal catch that you have to shift to release it. They kind of hide when closed. Sometimes they also can be found closest to you on the top edge but they can be hard to see and are often easier to feel.
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china doll
Reg. Jul 2012
Posted 2012-09-02 5:55 PM (#146768 - in reply to #146757)
Subject: RE: Removing wooden window valance


Posts: 79
Location: iowa
Some are installed with an air nailer and you just have to pry it off. Some have angle brackets that you unscrew. If you can't see anything my guess is they are nailed on.
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Reg. Dec 2009
Posted 2012-09-02 9:07 PM (#146772 - in reply to #146757)
Subject: RE: Removing wooden window valance

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 373
Location: Texas
often for spots I can not get my eye up and around something to see how it is attached, I can get my cell phone camera in there and take a photo. I've done this for plumbing under the shower, even to find a crack in my holding tank. lol
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Reg. Aug 2007
Posted 2012-09-02 10:14 PM (#146773 - in reply to #146757)
Subject: RE: Removing wooden window valance


Posts: 5870
Location: western PA

On our Showtime valances, which are made out of crown molding, they are held into place by angle brackets screwed both to the valances and walls. They are quite easily removed with an electric drill and a #2 apex tip with a magnetic extension.

I had to remove all of them, when I upgraded the original shades to mini blinds.

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Reg. May 2008
Posted 2012-09-04 8:30 AM (#146812 - in reply to #146757)
Subject: RE: Removing wooden window valance


Posts: 60
Location: Missouri
I figured it out.
The whole window frame had to come off. We removed the wooden buttons attached to the frame and removed the 6 screws. The complete oak frame came out. The mini blind brackets were screwed to the frame and to the valance. The mini blind brackets had trap doors at the bottom, not at the front or sides like you normally see. It ended up being about a 15 minute job. Easy peasy!
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Reg. Oct 2003
Posted 2012-09-04 1:49 PM (#146819 - in reply to #146757)
Subject: RE: Removing wooden window valance


Posts: 233
Location: Tennessee
Thanks for posting your outcome!
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